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- Date: Mon, 5 Dec 1994 11:11:50 +0000
- From: sgamble@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk (Steve Gamble)
- alt.alien.visitors Frequently Asked Questions
- This FAQ was last updated: 15th November 1994
- It currently takes up 150k (around 85 printed pages) in all
- Line width is about 75 char.
- The FAQ and shortened version, the MINI-FAQ were originally written for the
- Usenet Newsgroup alt.alien.visitors. More recently the FAQ and some of the
- a.a.v. messages have been cross posted to other networks. The FAQ will try to
- reflect this more universal distribution, but for now it is essentially the
- FAQ produced for alt.alien.vistors. The full FAQ is a very large multi-part
- file which is posted infrequently, but is available by WWW and ftp (see
- below). The MINI-FAQ is designed to be a single file which can be posted
- more regularly but only contains basic information.
- The FAQ is the result of contributions from many people. The views expressed
- are varied and unless otherwise stated should not be taken to represent the
- opinions of any one contributor, the editor or the contributors as a whole.
- Neither, unless otherwise stated, should the views expressed be taken as in
- anyway representing any organisation or employer with whom the contributors
- are connected. As the FAQ is the work of many people, speaking many different
- flavours of english, some of the spelling and grammer might be novel to some
- readers, remember the main function of the FAQ is communication not a lesson
- in english. The current editor is Steve Gamble (see FAQ updates for
- how to contact him.) All comments by him are indicated by the square brackets[].
- Charles McGrew has made the full FAQ together with other UFO related
- material available by ftp. Here are the details:
- ftp.rutgers.edu (
- many ufo-related documents (some of dubious reputability) in
- pub/ufo. See README's in the directory (and subdirectories).
- Files are a little disorganized right now, since the document-
- collection process is still going on, but if you're looking
- for that "special file", this is a good place to check out.
- More recent versions of the FAQ can be found here as
- a.a.v-faq. All files except the README's are in unix-compressed
- format, so please be sure to use 'binary' transfer mode.
- Anonymous ftp enabled.
- World Wide Web Access
- Rene' Mueller has kindly made both the full FAQ and the mini-FAQ
- available by WWW on Spirit. The WWW address is
- http://zeta.cs.adfa.oz.au/Spirit.html
- The file is split into 7 parts for posting to a.a.v. These are shown in the
- contents list below.
- PART 1
- Introduction
- ============
- Contents
- ========
- PART 2
- === 0. Introductory Material
- ----------------------------
- 0.1: About alt.alien.visitors
- 0.2: Posting to alt.alien.visitors
- 0.3: Hints on posting
- 0.4: Example Posting
- 0.5: People who post to alt.alien.visitors
- === 1. Terminology and Definitions Used in UFOlogy
- --------------------------------------------------
- 1.01: a.a.v.
- 1.02: Astronomical Units (A.U.)
- 1.03: What is a UFO?
- 1.04: What is an alien?
- 1.05: Classification of UFO Reports
- === 2:00 About UFOs and related phenomena
- ------------------------------------------
- 2.01: When did it all start?
- 2.02: The Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI)
- 2.03: What do we really know about life elsewhere in the universe?
- 2.04: Marfa Lights
- 2.05: Men In Black (MIB)
- 2.06: Tectonic Strain Theory (TST)
- 2.07: UFOnauts
- 2.08: Unusual Ground Markings (UGM)
- 2:09: USAF
- 2:10: Zine
- Alien Races
- -----------------
- 3.00: Arcturus
- 3.01: Aryans (Blondes)
- 3.02: Blues (Star Warriors)
- 3.03: Confederation of Humans
- 3.04: Greys
- 3.05: Orion Empire (Orion forces)
- 3.06: Pleiadians
- 3.07: Sirius
- 3.08: Reptoids
- 3.09: Vega
- Abductions and Current Theories
- ------------------------------
- 4.00: About Abductions
- UFOlogists
- ----------
- 5:00: Hopkins, Budd
- 5:01: Jacobs, Dr David
- 5:02: Klass, Philip J.
- 5.03: Spencer, John
- 5:04: Marciniak, Barbara J.
- 5:05: Randles, Jenny
- PART 3
- UFO Projects & Theories & Controversies
- ----------------------------------------
- 6.00: Aurora Project or "deep black" projects
- 6.02: NASA Footage September 10th
- 6.03: Planetoid (Wormwood)
- 6.04: Official Studies
- 6.05: Roswell Crash Incident
- UFO Movies, Documentaries and TV Programs
- ----------------------------------------
- = 7.00: TV Programs
- 7.01: E. T. Monitor (the Keystone Inspirational Network)
- 7.02: Hard Copy (??)
- 7.03: Intruders
- 7.04: National Geographic (PBS)
- 7.05: sightings (FOX)
- 7.06: UFO Incident, The
- 7.07: Unsolved Mysteries (NBC)
- = 7.08: UFO VIDEOS
- 7.09: Close Up
- 7.10: Communion
- 7.11: UFO Coverup Live
- 7.12: UFO Documentary
- 7.13: UFO, The Films Prove It
- 7.14: UFO Review, The Researchers
- UFO Magazines and Publications (UFOzines)
- -----------------------------------------
- 8.00: Circular, The
- 8.01: Cerealogist, The
- 8.02: Connecting Link Magazine
- 8.04: Crop Watcher, The
- 8.05: Earth,
- 8.06: Electronic Journal of the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic, The
- 8.07: Faithist Journal, The
- 8.08: Focus
- 8.09: Fortean Times,
- 8.10: Inner Light
- 8.11: International UFO Library Magazine
- 8.12: Magonia,
- 8.13: Orvotron Newsletter
- 8.14: Ovni Presence
- 8.15: Revelations of Awareness
- 8.16: Swamp Gas Journal
- 8.17: UFO Universe
- UFO Book Publishers
- -------------------
- 9.00: Advent Publishing Company
- 9.02: Arnerica West Publishers
- 9.03: Arcturus Book Service
- 9.04: Condor Books, Inc.
- 9.05: Document Research Services
- 9.06: Earth Star Publications
- 9.07: Eden Press
- 9.08: JACO Book Publishers
- 9.09: The Library of the New Essenes of Inyo
- 9.10: Luna Ventures
- 9.11: The Pleiades Project
- 9.12: UFO Audio-Video Clearing House
- 9.13: UFO Books
- 9.14: UFO Photo Archives
- 9:15: Worldwide UFO Newsclipping Bureau and Public Information Center 955
- West
- 9.16: Spacelink Books
- Miscellaneous Information
- -----------------------
- 10.00: A UFO Book List
- 10.01: alt.alien.visitors archives (back issues)
- 10.02: Big Foot (Sasquatch)
- 10.03: Free UFO Class
- 10.04: Freedom of Information
- 10.05: Hidden Ancient Ruins
- 10.06: Inter Library Loans (ILL)
- 10.07: NASA Shuttle Footage
- 10.08: UFO Related anonymous FTP Sites
- PART 4
- UFO Organizations * Assumed Acronym
- ------------------
- 11.00: Aerial Phenomenon Research: The Indiana Group . . . . .*(APR)
- 11.02: Aetherius Society, The
- 11.03: Ancient Astronaut Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*(AAS)
- 11.04: Ancient Truth Research Foundation . . . . . . . . . .*(ATRF)
- 11.05: Awareness Reserch Foundation, Inc , The . . . . . . .*(ARF)
- 11.06: Borderland Sciences Research Foundation . . . . . . . . (BSRF)
- 11.07: British UFO Research Association . . . . . . . . . . . . (BUFORA)
- 11.08: California UFO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*(CUFO)
- 11.09: Citizens Against UFO Secrecy . . . . . . . . . . . . . (CAUS)
- 11.10: Committee for the Scientific Investigation of
- Claims of the Paranormal Contactee . . . . . . . . . . (CSICOP)
- 11.11: Computer UFO Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (CUFON)
- 11.12: Contactee
- 11.13: Cosmic Awareness Communications . . . . . . . . . . . .*(CAC)
- 11.14: CSETI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (CSETI)
- 11.15: Delval UFO, Inc.
- 11.16: Fair Witness Project, Inc., The . . . . . . . . . . . .*(FRP)
- 11.17: Federation, The
- 11.18: Flying Saucer Information Center . . . . . . . . . . . .*(FSIS)
- 11.19: Fortean Research Center, The
- 11.20: Fund for UFO Research, Inc.,The . . . . . . . . . . . .*(FUFOR)
- 11.21: Gulf Breeze Skywatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*(GBS)
- 11.22: Inner-Peace Prosperity Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . (IPPN)
- PART 5
- 11.23: Intercontinental UF Galactic Spacecraft
- - Research and Analytic Network . . . . . . . . . . . . (ICUFON)
- 11.24: International Committeee for UFO Research . . . . . . . . (ICUR)
- 11.25: International Fortean Organization . . . . . . . . . . (INFO)
- 11.26: Intruders Foundation
- 11.27: Island Skywatch
- 11.28: J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies . . . . . . . . . (CUFOS)
- 11.29: Massachusetts Center for the study of
- Aerial Phenomena, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*(MCSAP)
- 11.30: Multi-national Investigations Cooperative on
- Aerial Phenomena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (MICAP)
- 11.31: MutuaL UFO Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (MUFON)
- 11.32: Mutual UFO Network of North Carolina, Inc. . . . . . . (MUFON-NC)
- 11.33: National Investigations Committeee on UFOs . . . . . . . (NICUFO)
- 11.34: National Sighting Research Center, The . . . . . . . . (NSRC)
- 11.35: Nevada Aerial Research Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . (NARG)
- 11.36: North American Circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *(NAC)
- 11.37: North American Institute of Crop Circle Research . . . (NAICCR)
- 11.38: Northamptonshire UFO Research Centre . . . . . . . . . (NUFORC)
- 11.39: Northern UFO Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (NUFON)
- 11.40: Omega Communications
- 11.41: ParaNet (Paranormal Network) Information Service . . . . (PARANET)
- PART 6
- 11.42: Pennsylvania Association for the
- Study of the Unexplained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (PASU)
- 11.43: Pnet
- 11.44: Portland UFO Group, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (PUFOG)
- 11.45: Roundtown UFO Society
- 11.46: Royal Priest Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*(RPR)
- 11.47: Search for EXtraterrestrial Intelligence, The. . . . . . (SETI)
- 11.48: Sirian Rainbow Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*(SRL)
- 11.49: SKYNET
- 11.50: Socie'Te' Belge d'Etude des Phenomenes Spatiaux . . . . (SOBEPS)
- 11.51: Society for Scientific Exploration . . . . . . . . . . (SSE)
- 11.52: Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained, The . (SITU)
- 11.53: System Ready
- 11.54: Transcendental Communications A Division of LAMAT Research
- 11.55: UFO Contact Center International . . . . . . . . . . . (UFOCCI)
- 11.56: UFO Fllter Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (UFOFC)
- 11.57: UFO Information Retrieval Center . . . . . . . . . . . . (UFOIRC)
- 11.58: UFO Investigators League . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (UFOIL)
- 11.59: UFO, Paranormal and Conspiracy BBS, THE . . . . . . . .*(UFOPCBBS)
- 11.60: UFO Reporting and Information Service. . . . . . . . . . (UFORIS)
- 11.61: UFO Study Group of Greater St. Louis
- 11.62: Ufology Research of Manitoba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (UFOROM)
- 11.63: United Aerial Phenomena Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . (UAPA)
- 11.64: Universal Articulate Interdimensional
- Understanding of Science (UNARIUS Academy of Sciences) . (UNARIUS)
- 11.65: Victorian U.F.O. Research Society Inc. . . . . . . . . . (VUFORS)
- PART 7
- Disclaimer
- ----------
- FAQ Requests
- ------------
- FAQ Suggestions
- ---------------
- === 0.1: About alt.alien.visitors
- ---------------------------------
- Alt.alien.visitors is a Usenet discussion group available through internet.
- It was the original UFO related discussion group available on Usenet.
- It caters to a wide rage of UFO related discussion from New Age UFOlogy to
- Scientific UFOlogy. It currently receives around 80 messages daily. More
- recently a.a.v has been joined on Usenet by alt.paranet.* groups which also
- cover UFO related material.
- Although the Newsgroup is called alt.alien.visitors, both the group and
- the FAQ cover the whole field of UFOs, which depending on your viewpoint
- may or may not be the same as alien visitations. In addition to UFOs and alien
- visitation the group also includes discussion about life elsewhere in the
- universe and if they are coming here how they might get here.
- This FAQ is designed to answer questions of people who are new to this Usenet
- discussion group, and designed to be a useful reference source to those
- interested in all aspects of UFOlogy.
- Examples of UFO related material carried by other networks :
- Wildnet UFO Conference
- FIDO UFO Conference
- MUFONET (primarily in the USA)
- UFONET (primarily in the UK, also at least one USA node)
- PARANET (primarily USA, some parts relayed to Usenet)
- Some UFO material also appears in alt.paranormal on Usenet, but this tends to
- be cross posts of material which also appears in a.a.v.
- === 0.20: Posting to alt.alien.visitors
- -------- ------------------------------
- The following idea was suggested by matthews_k@cubldr.colorado.edu and is
- taken from mwauford@UTKUX1.UTK.EDU (Melissa Wauford)'s "*** REC.ARTS.TV
- POSTING GUIDELINES ***". I have adapted it to fit alt.alien.visitors, and
- I feel that this is an excellent idea. I would recommend that you use this
- system when posting to alt.alien.visitors.
- alt.alien.visitors can be a controversial newsgroup with a wide variety
- of discussed topics. A few topics may generate more traffic than others
- and may contain subject matter related to UFOlogy that others wish to
- filter out or concentrate upon. In order to allow those who use rn or
- some other method of pre-selecting articles to filter out (or save away)
- postings about these heavy traffic subjects, an abbreviation scheme has
- been created. Please help out by starting your subject line with one of
- the following abbreviations when posting about these topics. For example:
- Subject: HOT - Dancing Aliens
- or
- Subject: OP: Grey finger snacks,(the trick is in how you fold them)
- New abbreviations will be added as needed. Send suggestions directly to
- me, and I'll add them to the list. Objections to any abbreviations should
- probably be posted so that a consensus may be reached. Old abbreviations
- will be deleted when no longer necessary.
- Suggested Abbreviations by matthews_k@cubldr.colorado.edu:
- [revised by Fsdlk@acad3.alaska.edu]
- ABD = Abduction information
- CE = Pertaining to UFO sightings and phenomena, Close Encounters,
- alien contact
- HA = Jokes & silliness
- HOT = Someone flaming someone else
- INV = Postings about alien invasions and conspiracies
- MISC = Other categories like Atlantis/Mu/Spacemen, etc...
- NA = New Age stuff NEWS = UFO related news, upcoming conventions.
- OP = Opinions
- REP = Repostings of older post like Lear, Cooper, etc..
- SCI = Scientific (preferably not pseudo) findings on UFO related issues
- === 0.3: Hints on Posting
- -------------------------
- Alt.alien.visitors is not a moderated group, which means that just about
- anybody can post just about anything. This arrangement will only work if
- people who post to a.a.v. behave in a reasonable manner. The following
- guidelines are suggested :
- (1) Give every post a subject heading which describes as clearly as
- possible the content of the message
- (2) Try to stay on topic. Do not post on subjects that are clearly
- unrelated to the newsgroup. Take them to the appropriate news group
- for discussion. If your comments are a message to a specific person
- then use email rather than post to the whole world.
- (3) Messages are received by people in many different countries.
- Different countries use different formats for dates. In the USA,
- for example, people would read 3/7/94 as the 7th day of March 1994.
- In the UK the same string would mean the 3rd day of July 1994.
- Confusion will be reduced if people always quote the month either in
- full or by the first three letters e.g. 3 Aug 94.
- (4) Be selective in the material you quote from earlier messages. Do not
- completely repost other peoples postings and then write your
- opinion about it. Selectively edit the the post to get the information
- you need from it to make your point.
- (5) The subjects of UFOs and possible alien visitation are controversial.
- Many people have many different ideas about the origins of UFOs and
- alien visitors. It is unlikely that everybody will agree with every
- post made. Constructive critisism of ideas is encouraged, but do not
- get into 'flame wars' or hurling abuse. There are so few hard facts
- in this area that the person you think is an idiot may end up being
- correct. Be tolerant of the other person's view.
- (6) UFOs and aliens can also be a source of ridicule from some people.
- Occasionally these people will send a message like 'UFOs don't exist';
- 'you are all nuts' or 'get a life'. Ignore them, it is unlikely that
- they will be hanging around to read any follow-ups posted and it just
- wastes bandwidth.
- (7) If you are sending a message informing readers that a TV programme or
- somethingelse is on at a specific time, remember to state the channel
- and where it can be seen. For example, in the UK we have several
- channels broadcast by Sky TV. But there are channels in other parts
- of the world also called Sky. Better than saying 'tonight' state
- the actual day/date, some systems may not get the message out on the
- same day you write it. If you include the time either use the 24 hour
- clock or state explicitly if it is am or pm, and include the time zone.
- (8) Avoid posting the same message to several newsgroups. Many people read
- a number of related newsgroups. It is a waste of bandwidth and
- everybody's time to read the same message several times. With the
- spread of Usenet more people are obtaining their news by dialup
- connections. It is costing these people real money to download redundant
- messages.
- (9) The idea of Usenet is communication. Do not waste everybody's time by
- giving previous posters spelling or grammar lessons. Although Usenet is
- distributed to many universities and colleges, not everybody has a PhD in
- english. There are many different spellings of words in the different
- forms of english spoken around the world.
- Although designed for alt.alien.visitors, these suggestions could be
- applied to both other Usenet groups and to other networks.
- === 0.4: Example Posting
- -------------------------
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
- From: jonnY@BA.DOE.edu (John Doe)
- Subject: OP: Roswell Incident
- Date: Fri, 31 Apr 1992 16:54:39 GMT
- In article <1597O38cc.040316.26314>truth@less.Dis.Info.edu (Ima Lier)
- writes:
- >.. it was in 1936 when the UFO crashed at Roswell ...
- >Plus there were no witnesses!! Not a single person could be found
- >to bring forth testimony.
- According to my sources it happened in 1947 and lots of people saw it.
- How can you say... [Etc.]
- -JD
- === 0.5: People who post to alt.alien.visitors
- ----------------------------------------------
- Readers and writers of a.a.v. are made up of:
- A) People that have had contact.(Rarely post... obvious reasons)
- B) Government paid disinformation people. (Poor to fair fiction)
- C) Questioning/Inquiring minds (post weak questions, but mean well)
- D) Wanderers (Just passing through, make snide remarks if any)
- E) A few who think aliens are out there but haven't/won't come here.
- F) A few who think aliens are with us know but have had no contact.
- G) Aliens (Grey, life sucking, invader of utopia)
- H) Guys like me that just can't unsubscribe from this group. (It's just to
- much fun. Life looks darker and things aren't very clear. (guess this
- belongs in alt.consp....) But when all else falls through pull up a.a.v.
- and smile. Someone is always a little worse off than you are and here is
- one sure fired place to find one.
- I) People who are not contactees, or new-agers, or sceptics, but are simply
- interested in high-strangeness phenomenon of all sorts (and generally try
- not to post snide comments or be simple minded!)
- Main Source: rocko@ireland.NoSubdomain.NoDomain (Rick O'leary)
- Other Contributors:
- MATTHEWS_K@CUBLDR.Colorado.EDU (Kellie Matthews)
- ===1. Terminology and Definitions Used in UFOlogy
- ----------------------------------------------
- 1.01: Astronomical Units (A.U.)
- ------------------------------
- An A.U. is a measurement of space. One A.U. is the distance from the earth
- to the sun.
- 1.02: a.a.v.
- ------------
- alt.alien.visitors is one of the many Usenet discussion groups.
- 1.03: What is a UFO?
- --------------------
- A UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object.
- It is "Something seen in the sky (or on the land, or expceptionally in the
- water, but thought capable of flight) which the witness could not identify
- and thought sufficently strange to report to either an offical or unoffical
- investigating body".
- A UFO is the stimulus for a UFO report made by a UFO witness. UFO researchers
- (often called UFOlogists) study UFO reports and witnesses. UFO researchers
- cannot directly study UFOs. There are some reports in the literature of
- different governments recovering craft thought to cause UFO reports, but most
- of these reports are speculative. The study of UFO reports is referred to as
- UFOlogy. This implies a scientific basis to the study, when in practice very
- little scientific research is carried out. After careful investigation about
- 90% of all UFO reports can be reasonably explained as either natural phenomena
- or misidentification of normal manmade devices. Sometimes the term IFO is
- used for these Identified Flying Objects. Those cases which are identified
- as natural phenomena are often rare or short lived and are worthy of study
- in their own right.
- In the early days of investigation used interchangably with the term 'Flying
- Saucer'. More recently the term Flying Saucer has fallen into disuse,
- although some researchers use it as a term to specifically refer to an
- extraterrestrial spacecraft.
- 1.04: What is an alien?
- -----------------------
- According to my dictionary :
- ALIEN - belonging to another : a foreign-born resident of a country
- in which he is not naturalized
- Therefore the term alien means, more or less, somebody or something that is
- in the wrong place. It should be noted that whilst extraterrestrial beings
- might be a sub-group of aliens, not all aliens are (necessarily) extra-
- terrestrial. Some people use the term 'space aliens' to refer explicitly
- to extraterrestrial beings.
- 1.05: Classification of UFO Reports
- -----------------------------------
- The main classification of UFO reports in use is based upon one used by
- Dr J. Allen Hynek in his book "The UFO Experience" (Aberlard-Schuman 1972).
- It should be noted that many other classification systems have been devised
- by other researchers. Briefly the Hynek system (with the most commonly used
- extensions) is :
- NL (nocturnal light)
- A simple visual sighting of a unidentified flying light seen at night.
- This group contains 35 to 40 percent of all UFO reports.
- ND (nocturnal disc)
- A simple visual sighting of a unidentified flying extended or structured
- light source seen at night. (This is an extension to Hynek's system).
- DD (daylight disc)
- A simple visual sighting of a UFO with distinct shape seen during the day.
- Radar Cases
- UFOs detected by radar alone. In more recent years fewer cases involving
- radar have hit the press. This could be because of a number of factors,
- for example the government is better at suppressing these reports, or there
- has been a change in the nature of the phenomenon which makes it less
- detectable or that many of the early reports were the result of spurious
- events and false positives which are handled better by more modern
- equipment.
- Radar Visual Cases
- UFOs observed visually whilst being simulataneously on radar. From Hynek's
- study these make up 1 to 2% of reports.
- Close Encounters of the first kind (CE1, CEI)
- As first defined by Hynek, a CE1 is an observation of a UFO within 150
- yards.
- Close Encounters of the second kind (CE2, CEII)
- A UFO which leaves some form of physical evidence
- Example: A burn where the UFO appeared to touch the ground or the finding
- of material of unknown makeup.
- Close Encounters of the third kind (CE3, CEIII)
- A visual sighting of an occupant or entity associated with a UFO. An
- analysis by Hynek of 650 reports found only 1% to be CE3. These entities
- are sometimes called UFOnauts.
- As well as entities seen inside a craft, entities have been described as
- sampling soil, rocks and plants or might communicate with the witness.
- These witnesses are sometimes referred to as contactees. As well as
- communication, the witness may report that they were invited on board
- a craft or even taken for a trip.
- Although included with UFOs, when dealing with contactees the researcher
- is dealing with a case of something clearly identified by the witness as
- some form of craft (without specifying the origin of that craft). Strictly
- speaking the object is no longer unidentified.
- (Close Encounters beyond the third kind are extensions to the basic Hynek
- system. Different authors have used the same designation to mean different
- things.)
- Close Encounters of the fourth kind (CE4, CEIV)
- An abduction of an individual by an alien being or race. The most famous
- of these being the abduction of Betty and Barney Hill in September 1961.
- (Hynek included this case in his CE3 category.) Although in recent
- years abductions have, because of their spectacular nature, received a
- great deal of publicity, they constitute only a small proportion of all
- UFO reports.
- Close Encounters of the fifth kind (CE5, CEV)
- Sometimes used to represent a direct contact or communication with alien
- being or race. For example: Billie Meier with the Pleiadians, U.S.Govt.
- with the Greys, or channeling.
- Other researchers have used this classification for strange beings that
- have been reported, but without the obvious presence of a 'craft'. These
- beings are generally seen in the witnesses house at night. Their
- description is similar to the beings seen associated with UFOs in
- abduction and contactee cases. Sometimes they are called 'bedroom
- visitors', the same set of reports have been classified as CE0 (zero) and
- CE9 by other groups of researchers.
- It must be remembered that, after careful investigation, over 90% of UFO
- reports can be reasonably explained as manmade or natural phenomena. The
- late Charles H. Gibbs-Smith (aviation historian to the Victoria and Albert
- Museum in London) had something he called Gibbs-Smith's rule which is worth
- keeping in mind when studying UFO reports. It states that "the strangeness
- of a case increases in proportion to the distance, in either time or
- geographical distance, between the investigator and the location of the
- report."
- === 2. About UFOs and Related Phenomena
- ----------------------------------------
- 2.01: When did it all start?
- ----------------------------
- The modern era of UFO reports is held to have started with the report by
- a Boise, Idaho business man, Kenneth Arnold. On 24th June 1947 near
- Mount Rainier, Washington State he reported nine strange objects flying
- in formation.
- There were earlier reports than this. During World War II pilots on both
- sides reported strange lights which followed their aircraft. Each side
- thought that these were some secret weapon of the other side. These became
- known as Foo Fighters.
- There were earlier cases, but these are more suspect. For example, in the
- year 810ad the emperor Charlemane is reported as being thrown from his
- horse when it was startled by a silver ball which flew down from the sky.
- 2.02: Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI)
- ------------------------------------------------------
- For many years there have been small unco-ordinated projects to search for
- evidence to extraterrestrial life. These have been mainly by looking for
- unexpected radio transmissions using radio-telescopes. Over the past
- couple of years NASA has funded a co-ordinated effort to scan the whole
- sky over a wide range of frequencies. The SETI project was cut from the
- 1994 NASA budget, however donations have been obtained from a number of
- individuals which will allow it to continue as a private project but at a
- lower level of activity.
- 2.03 What do we really know about life elsewhere in the universe?
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- There has been much speculation about life elsewhere in the universe. Unless
- UFO contactee and abductee reports are evidence of visitation by beings from
- elsewhere in the universe, there is very little evidence.
- Much of the speculation centres around something called tha Drake Equation.
- This attempts to estimate the number of civilisations in the universe by
- using a number of inprecise variables. The only planet where we have firm
- evidence of there being civilisation is a place called Earth.
- Evidence of planets around other star systems has relied upon complex
- calculations based upon minute variations in the star's 'wobble' about its
- axis. Recent improvements in imaging systems have improved the reliability
- of these observations. It is likely that the smallest extra-solar planets
- detected are two to three times the mass of Jupiter. There is no detailed
- information on the structure or conditions on these planets. It is not
- known if any of these planets could support life.
- Many of the molecules believed to be essential to the formation of life have
- been detected in interstellar space. Amino acids have been found in some
- meteorites. These tend to be equal mixes of left and right handed forms,
- which is more likely to be the result of a chemical rather than a biological
- process.
- 2.04: Marfa Lights
- ------------------
- Marfa lights are balls of lights that appear, change different colors
- and dance around in the air. These lights where named after the town
- that they have been appearing in, Marfa Texas. They have also been sited
- in other areas. Some theories as to what they are include Ball lighting,
- Car headlights, and Alien space ships. The last current sighting I'm
- aware of was Marfa Texas on September 1 1992.
- A small booklet on the Marfa Lights has been written by Dennis Stacey,
- editor of the MUFON Journal, discussing many of the cases and the theories.
- For details contact the author or MUFON.
- Main Source: Sightings, FOX Network airdate September 25, 1992
- 2.05: Men In Black (MIB)
- ------------------------
- These are a group of individuals who are said to wear black suits and
- drive and fly around in unmarked black cars and helicopters. They go
- about threatening people who have claimed to have seen UFOs into not
- talking about what they witnessed.
- The very first occurrence of MIB was traced to a man named Albert K.
- Bender. He was the editor of a flying saucer publication called the
- "Space Review" In the October 1953 issue he placed an announcement
- stating that he had come across information that would solve the flying
- saucer mystery but they could not print it because they were ordered not
- to. They then ended the announcement warning others in saucer work to be
- "very cautious" they then stopped their publications. Later in an
- interview Bender stated that "three men wearing dark suits" had ordered
- him to stop publishing flying saucer material, and that he had complied
- with the order because he had been "scared to death" of them. He later
- published a book called "Flying Saucers and the Three Men in Black"
- Mains Source: "A Review of MIBS (Men In Black) : A History" ParaNet File
- Number: 00171 Published 1991 by ParaNet Information Service
- Also see: Flying Saucers and the Three Men in Black by Albert K. Bender
- 2.06: Tectonic Strain Theory (TST)
- ----------------------------------
- A theory of electromagnetic effects upon the human brain and/or the
- physical environment, such that all Forteana including UFOs, ghosts, ESP,
- sasquatch, and religious fervour can be explained as being caused by
- seismic activity generating electromagnetic radiation which in turn makes
- people think they are witnesses to an anomalous event. Alternatively, the
- EMM radiation can luminesce so that it appears as a UFO. Chief
- proponent: Michael Persinger. A variant is the "Earth Lights" hypothesis
- described by Paul Devereux.
- Main Source: rutkows@ccu.UManitoba.CA (Chris Rutkowski)
- 2.07: UFOnauts
- --------------
- A term used by the UFO community in reference to the alien abductors or
- extraterrestrials.
- 2.08: Unusual Ground Markings (UGM)
- -----------------------------------
- A broad term which includes crop circles, "tripod marks", saucer nests,
- burn marks, etc.
- Main Source: rutkows@ccu.UManitoba.CA (Chris Rutkowski)
- 2.09: USAF
- ----------
- United States Air Force
- 2.10: Zine
- ----------
- magazine or newsletter pertaining to a specific subject.
- circlezine - Crop Circle publication
- ufozine - UFO publication
- === 3. Alien Races
- ---------------------
- These are often talked about in books, Publications and on this discussion
- group. [Much of this material is high speculative - SG]
- Over the years many different researchers have made studies of contactee,
- abduction and other cases where entities have been described associated with
- flying saucers or other UFOs. These researchers have produced reports which
- describe around 12 different types of alien.
- The most widely reported type of alien is a small grey being approximately
- 1.0m-1.25m in height, with large oval black eyes. Reports of this type have
- been widely reported by the media, perhaps as a result of the books by Budd
- Hopkins, David Jacobs and Whitley Streiber.
- Many abductees have described meeting european looking aliens, around
- 1.75m tall with long blond hair. These aliens are often referred to as
- 'Venusians'. They were first reported by George Adamski reporting a series
- of encounters in the early 1950s. He stated that they told him they were
- from Venus and the name has stuck since.
- The Channelers believe that the abductions are part of a battle between
- good energy forces and evil energy forces.
- 3.00: Arcturus
- --------------
- Members of Confederations of Humans [will do more research later]
- Main Source: A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness"
- Issue # 371
- 3.01: Aryans (Blondes)
- ----------------------
- Blond Nordic Humanoids who work with the greys. Said to be captured by
- the Reptoids and also have implants. They are said to have a tendency to
- switch their loyalties between the Reptoids and the Confederations of
- Humans.
- Main Source: A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness"
- Issue # 371
- 3.02: Blues (Star Warriors)
- ----------------------------
- The Blues are said to have translucent skin, large almond shaped eyes and
- small of stature. The main issue of their teaching was PURSUE YOUR
- PASSION, follow your own way, do your own thing, don't be pressured into
- being anything but what and who you are.
- The information about the Blues comes from Robert Morningsky a
- Hopi/Apache dancer. According to Morningsky the first alien contact
- started about 1947 - 1948 with the Greys contacting the U.S. Government
- to form a treaty with them. Another body of Aliens arrived, called the
- Blues. The Blues advised the government not to deal with the greys saying
- it would only lead to disaster. They told the U.S. to follow your own
- path. They said they would would teach with peace and harmony if men
- would disarm and listen. The military said no deal. So they left, but a
- few decided to remain and stayed in Northern Mexico and Arizona and made
- a treaty with the Hopi Indians. These Aliens are known by the Hopi as
- Star Warriors. The greys started monitoring the Blues. So the Blues had
- to flee the reservation and go into hiding, a few of the Elders went with
- them.
- The Hopi legend is that there were two races, the children of the feather
- who came from the skies, and the children of the reptile who came from
- under the earth. The children of the reptile chased the Hopi Indians out
- of the earth, these evil under-grounders were also called two hearts.
- Main Source: Post from: dona@bilver.uucp (Don Allen) "FILE: Star
- Warriors",Forwarded from "contact" by Sande Van der Straten, to Cathy
- Emerson, Dated 23 Aug 1992, 19:29
- Also See: American Indian Magic by Brad Steiger
- 3.03: Confederation of Humans
- ------------------------------
- An organization of alien groups born out of positive energy, that are
- helping the human race along and desire to protect them. Includes:
- Vega, Arcturus, Sirius, Pleiades and other humanoids.
- Main Source: A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness"
- Issue # 371
- 3.04: Greys
- -----------
- This is the most commonly identified alien race in UFOlogy. Their are
- many different views, stories and theories regarding them ranging from
- the different New Age views to the different Scientific, and conspiracy
- views.
- Greys as presented by the Scientific Community:
- The Greys are the most commonly described race by abduction victims. In
- this view they are considered a race with an unknown motives, and
- agendas. They seem to be abducting, studying, testing and using various
- individuals for their one unclear reasons. [See: Abductions and Current
- Theories]
- Greys as presented by the New Age Movement:
- In the new age movement the Greys are often associated as an evil race,
- or a race with bad energy. They are often associated with many other
- races, such as the Reptoids and their motives are known.
- Greys as presented by Different Conspiracy Theories
- The different conspiracy theories are often a mix of the scientific and
- new age views. The standard conspiracy base states that the Greys crashed
- one or more of their space ships and they were found by the U.S.
- Government. The Government them makes a secret treaty with the Greys
- allowing them to abduct humans in exchange for their technology. The
- conspiracy theories often end with the Greys not keeping their part of
- the deal. [I will try and include some of the different conspiracy
- theories when I have more time to research them in detail]
- Their are descriptions of several types of Greys: they are all humanoid in
- appearance, a head, main body, two arms, hands, legs, and feet.
- 1: The most commonly seen grey is around two to four feet tall, very
- slender and delicate looking, small beings and light weight, extremely
- penetrating black slanted eyes with no pupils, almost vestigial mouth
- and nose, a very large head with a pointed chin. The skin color varies
- from dark grey to light grey, tan to tanish grey, white to pale white.
- They have no hair on their bodies.
- 2: Another commonly seen Grey is described similarly as above, except
- their usually six inches taller, and seem to give the orders. A variation
- of this same described individual is: same as above except eyes like big
- black buttons and are rounded.
- 3: Another type of Grey are the small robot like beings, stocky and
- little, with smooth rounded hat on top, with dark deep set holes for eyes
- and a round O shaped mouth, square breastplate with concentric circles on
- it, smell like burnt match heads, mushroom grey skin. These Greys are
- often said to act like security guards.
- Other variations are described as Reptilian like with claws an preying
- mantis like. There have also been many report of cross breeds that are
- not exactly human and not exactly Greys.
- Main Sources:
- Secret Life, by David M. Jacobs
- Communion, by Whitley Strieber
- A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness" Issue # 371
- Also See:
- Missing Time, by Budd Hopkins
- Intruders, by Budd Hopkins
- 3.05: Orion Empire (Orion forces)
- ---------------------------------
- Those alien groups born out of negative energy such as the Reptoids and
- the grays. [If this is wrong someone please correct me, I'll do more
- research on this later]
- Main Source: A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness"
- Issue # 371
- 3.06: Pleiadians
- ----------------
- The Pleiadians are a collective of extraterrestrials from the star system
- Pleiades. They are also from various times in our future, starting from
- 500 years from now to millions of years from now. The Pleiadian culture
- is ancient and was "seeded" from another universe of love long before
- Earth was created. They have formed a tremendous society which operates
- with love, with ideas and ideals that we are yet unfamiliar with.
- The Pleiadians started a project to contact and inspire earth humans to
- take back their power and create a better reality for themselves. They
- are here as ambassadors from another universe to help Earth through her
- transition from the third dimension to the fourth dimension and to assist
- each of us in our personal endeavors of awakening, remembering and
- knowing. As this project has become more successful, more ETs have
- joined the group, some from other systems. The group later changed its
- name from Pleiadians to the Pleiadians Plus.
- The Pleiadians say that their reasons for contacting us is that there is
- a chance of tyranny in the future and they are coming back to inspire us
- as much as possible so we will take charge of creating our own reality
- and change the future.
- They teach a very empowering form of personal and social metaphysics,
- with love and clarity. The Pleiadians speak as a collective and there are
- no individuals identified. They do not appear in physical form although
- they say they can. They say it is safer to come through the channel, and
- it does not attract as much attention.
- Billie Meier's Contact from the Pleiades
- Billie Meier was contacted over 130 times between 1976 and 1982 by a
- female named Samjese who said she was from the star system Pleiades. She
- was the first to telepathically contact Meier and tell him where to go
- for the first physical contact. Meier had indepth conversations with
- Samjese. The contact notes are published in following four books and are
- out of print:
- UFO ... Contact from the Pleiades Vol I & II Photo Journals (Vol I is in
- its second printing.)
- UFO ... Contact from the Pleiades Prilimary Investigation Report
- UFO ... Contact from the Pleiades Supplementary Investigation Report
- Message From the Pleiades Vol 1 & 2 Light Years
- There are 4 videos available on the Pleiades case.
- Contact $59.
- The Beamship Trilogy $99.
- The videos are available from:
- Genesis III Publishing, P.O. Drawer JJ, Munds Park, AZ 86017
- [Also see: The Pleiades Project]
- There is also a book available called Bringers of the Dawn - Teachings
- from the Pleiadians by Barbara Marciniak. They also have 2 to 3 hundred
- tapes available.
- Main source:
- Information given by Don_-_Showen@cup.portal.com
- Connecting Link Magazine Pleiadian article, Channeled by Barbara Marciniak
- 3.07: Sirius
- -------------
- Members of Confederations of Humans [will do more research later]
- Main Source: A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness"
- Issue # 371
- 3.08: Reptoids
- ---------------
- A reptilian race from Draco bent on conquest, They are said to be
- controling the greys by means of an implant, the same one that the gray
- are implanting into humans. They are also said to be the master minds
- behind the abduction plans. Their master plan involves using the newly
- created 'Half-breeds' with implants to defeat the Confederations of
- Humans. The Reptoids also use humans as food. [Does this remind you of
- the movie V?]
- Main Source: A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness"
- Issue # 371
- 3.09: Vega
- ----------
- Members of Confederations of Humans [will do more research later]
- Main Source: A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness"
- Issue # 371
- === Abductions and Current Theories
- -----------------------------------
- 4.00: About Abductions
- ----------------------
- About Abductions
- ----------------------
- There are many people who believe they have been abducted by UFOnauts.
- These abduction victims often experience memory loss and "missing time".
- some of them have been able to recall their abductions from memory and
- others have recalled their abductions by the aid of hypnosis. Often these
- encounters involve being taken aboard an alien craft and examined by the
- UFOnauts and put through a variety of physical and mental procedures.
- Then the individuals are returned. Many of the abduction victims have
- shown signs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
- Some of the major researchers who have studied the abduction field
- include Budd Hopkins, David Jacobs, Leo Sprinkle, John Mack, Philip Klass,
- John Spencer and Jenny Randles.
- The opinions of some skeptics such as Klass believe that the hypnotists
- themselves are leading the abduction victims unknowingly into believing
- that they have had an abduction experience. The skeptics believe that the
- the media has been saturated so much with the abduction material that when
- people having nightmares or people who believe that they have experienced
- the "missing time" are put under hypnosis, they draw upon what they have
- seen in the media to fulfill the expectations of the hypnotist and
- causes themselves to be put trough the trauma for that reason. They say
- the nightmares are often caused by the sleeping disorder narcolepsy, and
- the "missing time" is not an uncommon experience and is caused when the
- mind is preoccupied by other matters. They often give the advice to go to
- clinical doctors, and not to contact an abductionist.
- Other researchers such as Jacobs and Hopkins believe that there is
- something physical causing the abduction experiences. Hopkins has stated
- that he believes that the abduction are real and that the recounts of the
- abductions are to similar to each other to be anything but the truth.
- Jacobs takes a slightly different approach, he has been categorizing all
- the accounts and trying to find patterns in the testimonies.
- There people on the net who believe they have had personal experiences
- with Alien contacts or abductions. Some have posted accounts of their
- experiences. Many others decline to post due to attacks by skeptics.
- There has been possible material evidence of UFOs or Alien contacts. There
- are abundant material traces, even excepting those confiscated by the
- military. Material traces include burned grass and earth where UFOs have
- landed, UFOs shown on radar tapes, UFOs on film and in photos. Bodily
- traces on abductees include scoop-marks in the flesh, incisions, burns,
- apparent radiation exposure, bruises, inflammation, etc. Whether any of
- these is considered *evidential*, however, is a subjective value call.
- For anyone who is interested in abduction help call:
- Bill Knell
- Director of Island Skywatch
- (718)591-1854 (New York)
- He can get you in touch with the right people in your area and has a lot
- of videos, tapes and books on UFOs and abductions. He is also a very
- experienced researcher/investigator.
- Main Sources:
- UFO-Abductions: A Dangerous Game, by Philip Klass
- Secret Life, by David M. Jacobs
- Communion, by Whitley Strieber
- dfs30@DUTS.ccc.amdahl.com (Denise Solis)
- A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness" Issue # 371
- Also See:
- Missing Time, by Budd Hopkins
- Intruders, by Budd Hopkins
- Perspectives by John Spencer
- Alien Abductions: Mystery Solved by Jenny Randiles
- === UFOlogists
- --------------
- 5:00: Hopkins, Budd
- ------------------
- Budd Hopkins graduated from Oberlin college. He is also a painter and
- sculptor. He has been investigating UFO reports for the last 12 years.
- Budd became interested in UFOs after seeing one himself many years ago.
- His primary area of study is UFO abductions.
- Budd Hopkins c/o Random House
- 201 E. 50th Street
- New York, NY 10022
- 5:01: Jacobs, Dr David
- ----------------------
- David Jacobs is an Associate Professor of History at temple University.
- He has worked with over 300 UFO abduction witnesses. He works closely
- with a number of other abduction researchers including Budd Hopkins.
- Dr. Jacobs moderates an abduction conference on ParaNet, and is accessible
- via their dial-up BBS node (303-431-8797) or on Internet through a list
- server. [See ParaNet]
- Dr. David Jacobs
- Department of History
- Temple University
- Philadelphia, Pa 19122
- 5:02: Klass, Philip J.
- ----------------------
- For thirty-five years a senior editor with Aviation Week and Space
- Technology magazine, is recognized as the world's leading skeptical
- authority in Unidentified Flying Objects and has written three books on
- the subject. Klass, a graduate electrical engineer, is a founding Fellow
- of the Committeee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the
- Paranormal. He was honored in 1973 for his accuracy as a techjournalist
- by being named a Fellow at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics
- Engineers.
- Main Source: The about the author paragraph in UFO-Abductions: A Dangerous
- Game, by Philip Klass, C1988
- 5.03: Spencer, John L.
- ----------------------
- John Spencer has been a Council member of the British UFO Research Association
- since 1980 and has written a number of books on UFOs and the Paranormal. Apart
- from books published in his own right, he has co-edited with Hilary Evans
- "Phenomenon" and "UFOs 1947-87". He may be contacted at :
- The Leys, 2c Leyton Road, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2TL, U.K.
- 5:04: Marciniak, Barbara J.
- ---------------------------
- Barbara J. Marciniak is an internationally known trance channel from
- North Carolina. She began channeling in 1988. The strength and purity of
- the message she is bringing very quickly captured the hearts of many
- seekers looking to be all that they can be. Barbara has channeled at
- various Expos and for groups across the United States, in Peru and in
- Germany.
- You may contact Barbara at:
- Bold Connections Connecting Link Magazine
- P. O. Box 6521, 9392 Whitneyville Rd.
- Raleigh, NC 27628. Alto, MI. 49302-9694
- 5:05: Randles, Jenny
- --------------------
- Jenny Randles
- 37 Heathbank Road
- Stockport, Cheshire SK3 0UP
- === UFO Projects & Theories & Controversies
- --------------------------------------------
- There are many theories of UFO origins. These include that UFOs (and
- associated aliens) are some form of advanced technology, perhaps
- extraterrestrial; that UFOs might be time travellers; that UFOs might
- be some form of new natural phenomenon; and the UFOs might be some form
- of psychic phenomenon.
- In common with other cases where there are more than two theories to
- explain an event, nobody really knows what the true explanation is.
- 6.00: Aurora Project or "deep black" projects
- ----------------------------------------------
- The "Black Projects" are governmental projects that are considered
- technological secrets. These can range from laser and particle beams to
- top secret aircraft. The "Aurora Project" is the name given to one of
- these types of projects by the industry experts involving two new types
- of reported aircraft. These aircraft where observed in the south west US
- and are said to have been developed at highly classified government
- facilities in the Nevada desert. There are two types of advanced aircraft
- reported.
- One is nick named the "Pulser" aircraft. There have been many sights of
- this aircraft by several different witnesses. When sighted it has
- repetitively been described as "A high-speed aircraft characterized by a
- very loud, deep, rumbling engine noise (1-2 Hz pulse rate) reminiscent of
- heavy-lift rockets." The smoke trail of the aircraft is described as
- being segmented and in a linked sausage shape. (Or another good example
- would be to look at one side of your coat zipper, un-zipped, with the
- teeth facing you) It is also described as a high-altitude aircraft that
- crossed the sky at extremely high speeds. Both ground based and airborne
- observers have reported it to be seen flying at altitudes above 50,000
- ft. observers have reported see the aircraft as a single bright light
- that seldom changed direction, however speed changes where observed. One
- observer estimated that it covered 350 miles in 6 minutes. (3500
- miles/hr)
- This this aircraft may indeed exist. There has been research in to what
- are called Pulsed Detonation Engines (PED's) also refereed to as Pulsed
- Detonation Wave Engines. These are different type of engine than the
- pulse jet engines, which is already publicly know, and has been tested in
- aircraft. The PED's are said to be in laboratory and computer analysis
- level of development (reported oct of 91) The PED's exhaust emission
- produces smoke trails that closely match the pulser aircraft. Simulations
- of theses engines are said to be able to propel large aircraft in the
- "Mach 0.2-3.0 flight regime"
- How PED's work: PED's use shock waves created in a detonation to compress
- the fuel-oxidizer mixture prior to combustion. A cylinder chamber
- designed to support the detonation is constructed with a flat forward end
- which makes up the thrust wall. Air along with fuel is fed into the
- engine from behind the thrust-wall. The detonation wave created travels
- forward to the thrust wall at about Mach 4 and compresses the fuel-air
- mixture, promotes supersonic combustion and causes a pressure rise in the
- engine. The wave then strikes the thrust wall and rebounds accelerating
- the combustion products towards the nozzle. Some of the products are
- ejected by the wave to the outside air-stream through the air inlet
- openings creating a toroidal vortex out side the engine. Then the cycle
- repeats.
- The said advantages of this type of engine are:
- * Theoretically a higher fuel efficiency than a "constant pressure engine"
- * Engines can be produced in many sizes and thrust outputs from a few
- inches in diameter at a thrust of several pounds to larger one that can
- output in the thousands of pounds range.
- * They have high thrust to weight ratio (ie.lighter engine, more thrust)
- * They are mechanically simple, and have few moving parts.
- * They could operate in or out of the atmosphere using fuel oxidizers.
- There is very little information on the other reported aircraft. It is
- reported as "A triangular-shaped, quiet aircraft". This craft has been
- seen by many observers and flying with several F-117 stealth aircraft.
- Main Sources:
- Aviation Week & Space Technologies, (Oct 1, 90 pp20-23) &
- (oct 28, 91 pp68-69)
- Also See:
- Aviation Week & Space Technologies [please note: one of these dates is a
- December 24, 1990 pg. 41-44 couple days off, on the actual
- June 20, 1991 pg. 20-21 magazine date.]
- March 9, 1992 pg. 66-67
- May 11, 1992 pg. 62-63
- 6.02: NASA Footage September 10th
- ---------------------------------
- Space Ice or an alien craft dodging a missile. That's the big debate on
- the footage taken by an unmanned camera on the space shuttle. One side
- says that it is space Ice accelerated by the space shuttles thrusters.
- The other side says the excelleration of some the objects don't follow
- the correct paths don't match physics. They speculate its a alien craft
- dodging a Starwars missile.
- Main source: Sightings, FOX Network, airdate September 25, 1992
- 6.03: Planetoid (Wormwood)
- --------------------------
- Beyond Pluto astronomers believe there is a ring of ice chunks circling
- the solar system 37 to 59 A.U. from the sun. They have called the ice
- belt the Kuiper belt. Beyond that astronomers say there is a similarly
- composed Oort cloud which forms a sphere around our planetary system that
- stretches two light years in distance. A tiny red spot of light was
- recorded in hawaii in October of 92, which is thought to be the first
- component of the Kuiper belt ever observed. The object was named 1992 QB1.
- It is about 200 km across and 5.1 billion km away from the sun (41.2
- a.u.). The object is fairly red, suggesting a surface rich in organics.
- The current position is, for 0h UT on September 15, 1992: 0h 00.09+0d
- 01'.7 (2000.0). It is moving retrograde at only 3" per hour. David Jewitt
- and Jane Luu discovered it using the University of Hawaii's 2.2-meter
- telescope on Mauna Kea. They have been searching for such an object for
- the last five years. The first images were secured August 30, but just as
- with the discovery of Pluto in 1930 the discovery was kept "under wraps"
- for awhile to allow a better assessment. Jewitt believes it to be one of
- the larger members of the Kuiper belt. Jewitt says that it will take two
- months to confirm the object.
- Another theory involving the planetoid comes to us from channelers. It is
- a hollowed out body that was moved here by the Reptoids, in order to
- transport an army of Grays or Reptoids. [sorry, I'm not sure which, I
- haven't had a chance to research this in-depth] It is now parked outside
- the orbit of Pluto. It is currently being used as a base by the
- Reptoids.
- Then there is also the theory that the planetoid may be the star that is
- mentioned in the Bible as "Wormwood" (also translated as "bitterness");
- which when the "third angel" in the book of Revelation blew his trumpet,
- fell to the earth and poisoned one third of the earths waters. Another
- interesting fact is that "chernobyl" (as in the Nuclear power plant in
- "Russia" that had a meltdown) in Ukranian also means Wormwood.
- Main Source:
- "Beyond Pluto" by MichaaelD. Lemonick, p. 59, Time Magazine Sep. 28, 92
- "#Object beyond Pluto", Compuserve article #110734 S14/News/Current Events
- by Roger Sinnott, 14-Sep-92
- A Cosmic Awareness Channel from "Revelations of Awareness" Issue # 371
- Bible, Revelation chapter 8 Verses 10 & 11
- 6.04:US Government Offical Studies
- ----------------------------------
- On Sep 30, 1947 Lt General Twining of ACM expressed his opinion that there
- was sufficient substance in reports to warrant a study on UFOs. On Dec.
- 23, 1947 Project Sign was established to collect, collate, evaluate, and
- disseminate all information concerning UFO sightings and phenomena.
- Project sign completed it evaluations in Feb of 1949 and concluded "No
- definite and conclusive evidence is yet available that would prove or
- disprove the existence of these UFOs as real aircraft of unknown and
- unconventional configuration." Project Sign was changed to Project Grudge
- on Dec.16, 1948. Project Grudge recommended that the investigation and
- study of UFO reports be reduce in scope. In early 1950 UFO reports by the
- public increased. This prompted Project Grudge to be changed to Project
- Blue Book in March of 1952.
- Project Blue Book goals were :-
- 1: To find an explanation for all the reported sighting of UFO's.
- 2: To determine if the UFO posed any security threat to the
- United States.
- 3: To determine if UFO's exhibit any advanced technology which the
- U.S. could utilize.
- In 1966 the USAF commisioned a report on UFOs from the University of
- Colorado. This project was headed by Dr Edward Condon. Condon was a well
- respected physicist who gather a panel of experts from a variety of fields
- to assist him. They reported in 1969, the report being referred to as the
- Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, also known as the Condon
- Report. They concluded:-
- 1: There is no evidence that any UFOs are "extraterrestrial
- vehicles"
- 2: No UFO has ever given any indication of a threat to the
- national security.
- 3: There is no evidence that UFO's represent technological
- developments or principals beyond present-day scientific knowledge.
- As a result the USAF closed down Project Bluebook. Although it has been
- suggested on many occasions that some members of the panel had deceided the
- conclusions of the study before the work started there is evidence that at
- least Condon took the task seriously. He appears to have joined a number of
- different civilian UFO research groups, including the British UFO Research
- Association, around the world.
- Main Source:
- Project Blue Book: The Top Secret UFO Findings Revealed,
- By Brad Steiger, 1976
- sheaffer@netcom.com (Robert Sheaffer)
- BUFORA Journal, Summer 1974
- 6.05: Roswell Crash Incident
- ----------------------
- On the night of 2nd July 1947, Mac Brazel a rancher from near Corona, New
- Mexico heard a loud crash. The next day he went out Horseback riding with
- a neighbour and came upon a field with debris scattered about. The debris
- field was 3/4 of a mile long and 300 feet wide. It was oriented in a
- northwest to southeast direction. There was a gouge in the northwest side
- of the debris field that was 500 feet long and 10 feet wide. The debris on
- the field mostly consisted of I-beams and parchment like, paper thin pieces
- of metal material. The material was very light in weight, a dull gray in
- color, and most pieces were 6 to 7 inches in length. Some pieces that were
- even thinner than paper could not be broken in half, cut or burnt.
- Mac Brazel collected several pieces of the debris and went back to his
- ranch. On July 6, Brazel went into Roswell to report what he had seen
- and to show a piece of the debris to sheriff Wilcox. The sheriff decided
- to call the local air base. During this time Frank Joyce called in from
- the local radio station to see if anything newsworthy was happening
- around town. Brazel gave him the information about what he had found.
- Major Jesse A. Marcel and a few other military personal arrived from
- the base only a few minutes after the sheriff had finished talking to
- the people at the base. Brazel and the military personal left and went
- back to the Ranch. The next morning (July 7) they went to the crash
- sight. The military retrieved some of the debris and returned to Roswell.
- On July 8, the military came back and sealed off the area, They took
- Brazel into custody. That same day they found a second crash site two
- and 1/2 miles southeast of the first. Barney Barnett and 4
- archaeologists had stumbled onto the new site a few minutes before the
- military had arrived there. At the site they found a "pretty good sized
- metallic dull gray object" and 4 small alien bodies. They were 4 to 5
- feet tall, with large pear shaped heads, small bodies and skinny arms
- and legs. They had two large eyes, no ears and no hair. Their skin was
- pinkish grey and leathery. They were wearing a one piece grey suits. The
- civilians were escorted out of the area when the military arrived.
- On July 9th the military escorted Brazel to the radio station , there
- he told Frank Joyce that he saw a weather balloon. He left again with the
- military and didn't get back to his ranch until around July 15. Later
- when asked about what had happened Brazel said he had given a oath and
- could not talk about it.
- The Incident remained closed and the public and UFO research
- organizations at large accepted the weather balloon story until 1970 when
- Jesse A. Marcel broke the silence and told his part in the story.
- The case has been extensively researched by Stanton Friedman and independantly
- by the team of Kevin Randle and Don Schmitt. Between them they have discovered
- around 200 witnesses who claim to have been involved in the recovery or
- subsequent handling of the Roswell material. Researcher John Keel has suggested
- that the Roswell material might be the remains of a Japanesse Feugo balloon, a
- balloon with a bomb attached launched towards the USA during World War 2. These
- were still being discovered in remote parts of the USA in the late 1940s.
- In 1994 at the request of US Senator Steven Schiff the General Audit Office
- started an enquiry into the incident and subsequent cover-up. The GAO
- required the US Air Force to reopen the enquiry. After a nine month study
- the Air Force announced that the Roswell object had not been a weather balloon
- but a balloon involved in a top secret project to study Soviet missile
- launches. Many UFO investigators remain unconvinced by this explanation.
- Main source: UFO Crash at Roswell by Kevin D. Randle & Donald R. Schmitt
- Published 1991 by Avon Books
- === UFO Movies, Documentaries and TV Programs
- --------------------------------------------
- = 7.00: TV Programs
- ------------
- 7.01: E. T. Monitor (the Keystone Inspirational Network)
- --------------------------------------------------------
- - A program that originates from Pennsylvania, it has a pre-recorded
- and a live section. The person who runs it sells packets of books by
- mail-order. He likes to think that he is presenting irrefutable proof not
- only of the existence of UFOs but also of the Government's Conspiracy to
- keep them secret and frequently features people like Randall Terry.
- 7.02: Hard Copy (??)
- --------------------
- - Belgian UFO's, 1990
- - more European
- 7.03: Intruders
- ---------------
- - CBS miniseries June? 1992,
- Based off Budd Hopkins book Intruders
- 7.04: National Geographic (PBS)
- -------------------------------
- - English Crop Circles, 1991
- 7.05: sightings (FOX)
- ---------------------
- - Crop circles 1992
- - Mexico video Sightings, Sept 11, 1992
- - NASA Shuttle UFO/(debated Ice chunk), July? 1992
- 7.06: UFO Incident, The
- -----------------------
- - NBC Oct 20, 1975,
- - the Betty Hill abduction story Based on the book "Interrupted
- Journey: Two lost hours aboard a flying saucer" by John Fuller
- 7.07: Unsolved Mysteries (NBC)
- ------------------------------
- - Eupen, Belgium UFO, 1991
- - Cash/Landrum UFO, 1990
- - 1965 Kecksburg, PA UFO, 1990
- - Widthville, W VA UFO, 1992
- = 7.08: UFO VIDEOS
- ------------------
- 7.09: Close Up
- --------------
- - interview w/ two Rhode Island UFO enthusiasts 885-0366, 1992
- MUFON Box 1122, Davisville, RI 02854
- 7.10: Communion
- ---------------
- -Based off the book Communion bu Whitley Strieber
- 7.11: UFO Coverup Live
- ----------------------
- - UFO film from Guatemala, 1988
- (Note from plw@ssd.ray.com: most convincing footage I've seen)
- 7.12: UFO Documentary
- ---------------------
- - Jesse Marcel interview, 1982
- 7.13: UFO, The Films Prove It
- -----------------------------
- -A melange of television tapes, 1992
- 7.14: UFO Review - The Researchers
- ----------------------------------
- Published by D.M.P., PO Box 314, Penn, High Wycombe, Bucks
- HP10, U.K. This is a collection of interviews with leading
- UFO researchers including Cynthia Hind, John Spencer and
- Budd Hopkins.
- === UFO Magazines and Publications (UFOzines)
- ---------------------------------------------
- [I will include the magazines from the UFO groups later]
- 8.00: The Circular
- ------------------
- 58 Kings Rd., West
- End, Woking, Surrey GU24 9LW, England
- 8.01: The Cerealogist
- ---------------------
- 20 Paul St., Frome, Somerset,
- BA11 1DX, England
- 8.02: Connecting Link Magazine
- ------------------------------
- Connecting Link Magazine
- 9392 Whitneyville Rd.
- Alto, MI. 49302-9694
- ---------------
- The official news magazine for ParaNet and MICAP. It is published quarterly
- and provides thought-provoking information and articles written by leading
- UFOlogists. This magazine provides global insight and reflects material
- carried over the world-wide ParaNet Information Service network.
- Subscriptions are $18.00/year and are available by sending checks for U.S.
- funds to: ParaNet, Box 172, Wheat Ridge, CO 80034-0172.
- 8.04: The Crop Watcher
- ---------------------
- 3 Selborne Court, Tavistock Close, Romsey, Hampshire, SO517TY, England
- 8.05: Earth
- -----------
- 61 Ranelagh, Ave., Bradford, BD10 0HF, UK.
- 8.06: The Electronic Journal of the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Electronic Journal of the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic
- (EJASA) is published monthly by the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic,
- Incorporated. The ASA is a non-profit organization dedicated to the
- advancement of amateur and professional astronomy and space exploration,
- as well as the social and educational needs of its members.
- ASA membership application is open to all with an interest in astronomy
- and space exploration. Members receive the Journal of the ASA and the
- Astronomical League's REFLECTOR magazine. Members may also purchase
- discount subscriptions to ASTRONOMY and SKY & TELESCOPE magazines.
- For information on membership, you may contact the Society at any of the
- following addresses:
- Astronomical Society of the Atlantic (ASA)
- c/o Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA)
- Georgia State University (GSU)
- Atlanta, Georgia 30303, U.S.A.
- Phone: (404) 264-0451 leave your address and/or receive the latest
- Society news.
- Internet:
- asa@chara.gsu.edu
- Modem:
- ASA BBS: (404) 564-9623, 300/1200/2400 Baud.
- Back issues of the EJASA are also available from anonymous FTP at:
- chara.gsu.edu (
- 8.07: The Faithist Journal
- --------------------------
- Kosmon Publishing
- 2324 Suffock Avenue
- Kingman, Arizona 86401
- C. Benfield (President)
- Kasandra Kares (Editor)
- Publication is The Faithist Journal
- Founded in 1970
- A non-profit organization which publishes "The Faithist Journal"
- (Bi-Monthly), magazines and books dealing with New Age topics, including
- UFOs.
- 8.08: Focus
- -----------
- William L. Moore Publications & Research
- See: Fair Witness Project, Inc.
- 4219 West Olive Avenue Suite #247
- Burbank, California 91505
- Williarn L. Moore
- 213-463-0542
- Publishing entity for Antares Publishing, The Fair Witness Project, Inc.,
- and "Focus" magazine (which specializes in UFOs, New Age, Metaphysical, and
- Occult research; offers a substantial listing of books, government document
- reprints, papers, pamphlets, back issues of George Van Tassel's
- "Proceedings of the College of Universal Wisdom" newsletter, research
- files, folios, back issues of "Focus" (the Fair Witness Project
- newsletter), cassette tapes, and video tapes for sale.Discounts on various
- items are available to booksellers and other qualifie buyers."Focus"
- subscribers are entitled to a 25% discount on all items
- 8.09: Fortean Times
- -------------------
- 1 Shoebury Road, London E6 2AQ UK.
- 8.10: Inner Light
- -----------------
- Inner Light Publications
- Box 753 New Brunswick,
- New Jersey 08903 Publications
- Timothy Green Beckley (Publisher & Editor)
- Publication is Inner Light
- A diverse entity which publishes numerous UFO-related books, periodicals,
- tapes, etc., "UFO Review" magazine and the monthly "Inner Light" magazine;
- also sponsors numerous UFO conferences and symposiums throughout the United
- States.
- 8.11: International UFO Library Magazine
- ----------------------------------------
- 11684 Ventura Blvd. #708 Studio City, CA 91604.
- 8.12: Magonia
- -------------
- 5 James Terrace, London SW14 8HB, UK.
- 8.13: Orvotron Newsletter
- -------------------------
- orvotron bi-monthly newsletter
- Solinus and Kortron
- We are pleased to send a "Love Copy" of the most current newsletter to
- anyone you think will be interested. Just pass your friend's name and
- address on to us and we will mail out the issue compliments of you. Back
- issues contain much information which is still relevant and may provide
- some clarity on subjects discussed in subsequent newsletters. Love
- donations (which should be made payable to Judith A. Wells) are greatly
- appreciated and go to Spirit's work to create Heaven on Earth.
- A subscription also entitles you to log-on the Spirit Bulletin Board
- Service, a computer/modem system with files on alternate energy,
- UFO/extraterrestrial happenings, politics, science, medical information,
- the conspiracy and much more. The files are updated frequently and we
- encourage you to use and contribute to this "library at your fingertips".
- You may access this information 24 hours a day by calling via computer
- 1-704-297-5973.
- For a year's subscription (six bimonthly issues) and userstatus on
- Spirit BBS please send $30.00 (USA) or $40.00 (all other countries)
- in check or money order (no cash please) made payable to:
- Judith A. Wells Phone - (704) 297-2342
- Route 2, Box 309B FidoNet - 1:379/703
- Vilas, NC 28692 BBS - 704-297-5973
- ,
- 8.14: Ovni Presence
- -------------------
- CP 342, CH-1800, Vevey 1, Switzerland.
- 8.15: Revelations of Awareness
- ------------------------------
- "Revelations of Awareness" published by Cosmic Awareness Communications
- (CAC).
- Revelations of Awareness is a Newsletter that covers UFO as they relate
- to channeling and the New Age movement. All the information given in the
- newsletter is information recorded from channeling sessions. The format
- of of the news letter begins with a question asked of the Cosmic
- Awareness, then replies are given by the Awareness through the rest of
- the news letter starting out with the phrase "This Awareness indicates..."
- The following Statement appears at the top of every Issue:
- Cosmic Awareness is the force that expressed Itself through Jesus of
- Nazareth, the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Edgar Cayce and other great
- avatars who served as 'Channels' for the 'Heavenly Father' and who speaks
- again today as the world begins to enter the 'New Age' of spiritual
- consciousness and awareness. Since 1963 Cosmic Awareness has been
- communicating through carefully trained channels. This information is for
- those who desire to help in bringing in the new age. Throughout the
- thousands of 'Readings' given through these various channels, Cosmic
- Awareness tells us not to believe anything, but to question, explore,
- doubt, and discover for yourself, through your own channel what is the
- truth. Cosmic Awareness will only 'indicate' and 'suggest'. Neither C.A.C
- or any of the Interpreters is responsible for anything Cosmic Awareness
- states in any of these readings, nor does C.A.C. or the Interpreters
- necessarily agree with the statements of Cosmic Awareness. The
- interpreters interpret the energies as they see them in trance levels and
- are not personally responsible for what is said. This is entirely the
- responsibility of the editor. Members of C.A.C. are invited to send in
- questions of general interest to ask Awareness for possible publication
- in this newsletter.
- Paul Shockley, Interpreter.
- The Revelations of Awareness comes out every three weeks The memberships
- which are available (using the Honer system) are:
- Limited Income $30 per year $9 quarterly
- Individual $42 per year $12 quarterly
- Family $52 per year $20 quarterly
- Contributing $77 per year $25 quarterly
- Sponsoring $144 per year $40 quarterly
- Benefactor $500 per year $150 quarterly
- Patron $1000 per year $250 quarterly
- Endowing $5000 per year $1500 quarterly
- Outside USA Add $15.00 per year to cover postage (including Canada)
- To send off for information about the C.A.C. or to subscribe to their
- news letter write to: Cosmic Awareness Communications
- P.O. Box 115
- Olympia, WA 98507
- 8.16: Swamp Gas Journal
- -----------------------
- The Swamp Gas Journal Covers a variety of scientific UFO related Phenomena.
- It reviews articles, books and research publications put out by different
- researchers and organizations.
- The Swamp Gas Journal is free with limited distribution, but is available
- primarily through zine exchanges, regularly contributing Fortean info, or
- by providing two (2) International Postal Reply Coupons in lieu of a
- subscription (to cover postage).
- The Swamp Gas Journal is a ufozine published irregularly by:
- Ufology Research of Manitoba
- Box 1918
- Winnipeg, Manitoba
- Canada R3C 3R2
- The SGJ is also available on an experimental basis on internet by e-mail
- to: rutkows@ccu.umanitoba.ca
- 8.17: UFO Universe
- ------------------
- GCR Publishing Group, Inc.
- 1700 Broadway, 34th Floor
- New York, New York 10019
- Publishes "UFO Universe" magazine.
- Global Communications Refer to: Inner Light Publications
- === UFO Book Publishers
- -----------------------
- 9.00: Advent Publishing Company
- -------------------------------
- P.O. Box 3748
- Carson City, NV 89702
- Publish book and the Phenox Project Reports.
- 9.02: Arnerica West Publishers
- ------------------------------
- P.O. Box 6451 Tehachapi, California 93582
- George Green Telephone Number : 805-822-9655
- Publishes a wide variety of books and tapes dealing with New Age subjects
- and UFO phenomenon.
- 9.03: Arcturus Book Service
- ---------------------------
- 1443 S.E. Port St. Lucie Blvd.
- Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952, USA
- Robert Girard & Monica Williams-Girard
- Arcturus Book Service Catalog
- Maintains a listing of UFO-related books. Their goal is to provide a wide
- selection of books relating to the study of unexplained phenomena. Arcturus
- provides a publication; "Leading Edge, the bi-monthly newsletter of the
- Nevada Aerial Research Group.
- Subscriptions for monthly Arcturus Book Service Catalog available for $6.00
- in the U.S.,
- Canada, and Mexico; $12.00 in Europe and South America
- Arcturus pays for UFO-related books, manuscripts and is interested in being
- informed of all new titles released.
- 9.04: Condor Books, Inc.
- ------------------------
- 351 West 54th Street
- New York, New York 10019
- Al Weiss (Publisher)
- 212-586 -4432
- Publishes numerous books dealing with the UFO phenomena. At one time,
- Condor Books published "UFO Universe" magazine;"UFO Universe" is now
- published by:
- GCR Publishing Group, Inc.,
- 1700 Broadway, 34th Floor,
- New York, New York 10019.
- 9.05: Document Research Services
- --------------------------------
- PO Box 10011
- Berkeley, Ca. 94709-5011
- They provide declassified govt. documents and an index
- of UFOs in the New York Times 1947-1987
- Send SASE for a list of documents
- 9.06: Earth Star Publications
- -----------------------------
- P.O. Box 117
- Paonia, Colorado 81428
- Ann Ulrich (Editor & Publisher)
- 303-527-3257
- The Star Beacon
- A self-publishing service which will perforrn typesetting, layout,
- printing, and shipping of self-published books for a one-time fee. After
- initial fee is paid, the author keeps lOO% of any profits
- generated from the book. Ann Ulrich is associated with the UFO Contact
- Center International as one of its Associate Directors.
- 9.07: Eden Press
- ----------------
- Box 399
- Careywood, Idaho 83809
- Desiree Eden
- 208-683-2439
- The publishing arm of the Planetary Professional Citizens Committeee (PPCC),
- which is no longer in existence due to the death of its Director, Jerome
- Eden, in 1989. However, EDEN Press still pro- vides a wide range of books
- dealing with the UFO phenomenon.
- 9.08: JACO Book Publishers
- --------------------------
- P.O. Box 3135
- Prescott, Arizona 86302
- John H. Andrews
- 602-778-0018
- JACO Book Publishers provides many UFO and Extraterrestrial-related books.
- 9.09: The Library of the New Essenes of Inyo
- --------------------------------------------
- P.O. Box 257
- June Lake, California 93529
- 71448-7405
- Nicholas Faust (Curator)
- Originally known as "The School of Thought" which had been started by Hope
- Troxell in 1960. It's original focus was UFO literature, especially that
- dealing with contactees. Hope Troxell died in 1979 and The School of
- Thought closed in 1980.In 1980 became The Library of the New Essenes of
- Inyo. It assumed Hope Troxell's UFO materials and continually added to it
- over the years. The Library also sells copies of Hope Troxell's published
- material.
- 9.10: Luna Ventures
- -------------------
- P.O. Box 398
- Suisun, California 94585
- Publishes the Luna Ventures Catalog" which is a comprehensive listing of
- available newsletters, books, microfiche, magazines, etc. for sale. Luna
- Ventures will also accept manuscripts for publication.
- 9.11: The Pleiades Project
- --------------------------
- P.O. Box 386 Atwood, Ca 92601
- Randolph Winters :213-281-6282
- Terra (Contact)
- Founded in: 1985
- A one-man organization for the dissemination of the information received by
- Billy Meier from his Pleiadian contacts. Mr. Meier receives messages from
- his contacts of the Pleiades star formation. The Pleiades Project compiles
- these messages and offers them in audio and video formats. "Contact Terra"
- is a quarterly newsletter which contains updated information and news about
- Mr. Meier's contacts.
- The Meier Chronicles VHS/Beta - $59.00 (82 minutes)
- The Movie Footage VHS/Beta - $49.00 (1 hour)
- The Metal Analysis VHS/Beta - $39.00 each (45 minutes)
- The Entire Trilogy - $99.00 (save $188.00)
- Each audio cassette $20.00 plus postage & handling
- 9.12: UFO Audio-Video Clearing House
- ------------------------------------
- P.O. Box 342
- Yucaipa, Ca]ifornia 92399-0342
- David Aaron (Director)
- 714-795-3361
- Founded on May 18, 1988 and1232 members.
- Offers an updated listing of UFO radio & television programs on video and
- audio tape, going back to 1954. Video tapes are offered in Beta and VHS
- format. Over 50% of their available product is donated by members.
- 9.13: UFO Books
- ---------------
- P.O. Box 1053 - 514 First Street Florence, Arizona 85232
- Christine (Stevens) Cox
- 602-868-4273
- Christine Cox distributes UFO-related books, some of which were written and
- edited by Wendelle Stevens (See: UFO Photo Archives), who is her father.
- UFO Books also provides periodic flyers which contain UFO-related books,
- photos, and calendars for sale.
- 9.14: UFO Photo Archives
- ------------------------
- P.O. Box 17206
- Tucson, Arizona 85710
- Wendelle C. Stevens
- UFO Journal Of Facts
- Offers UFO-related books, most of which concentrate on, and thoroughly
- investigate, individual cases. UFO Photo Archives gears its material for
- those who want more in-depth knowledge about individual cases instead of a
- broad overview of many cases.
- In addition to books, UFO Photo Archives also sells UFO calendars and
- posters. All books, posters, and calendars are sold through mail order only
- and must be prepaid, including postage.
- Their publication, "UFO Journal Of Facts" is a new magazine, filled with
- color pictures and reports, concentrating on factual UFO investigative
- reporting.
- 9:15: Worldwide UFO Newsclipping Bureau and Public Information Center 955
- West
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -
- Lancaster Road Suite 420
- Orlando, Florida 32809
- Provides a 16-20 page monthly report of worldwide UFO news clippings (all
- foreign news stories are translated into English).
- Subscription costs:
- $24.95 /6 months $47.50/ one year
- Special on Back Issues: all of 1988 for $39.95.
- Besides the newsclipping service, Worldwide UFO also offers UFO-related
- audio and video tapes (VHS format, approximately 2 hours in length) for
- sale at the following prices:
- Audio Tape - $ 4.00/ tape (buy two, get one free: no limit) Video Tape -
- $20.00/ tape (buy two, get one free: no limit)
- 9.16: Spacelink Books
- ---------------------
- Run by Lionel Beer. Leading UK supplier of books on UFOs and Crop Circles.
- Address: 115 Hollybush Lane, Hampden, Middlesex, TW12, U.K.
- === Miscellaneous Information
- -----------------------------
- 10.00: alt.alien.visitors archives (back issues)
- ------------------------------------------------
- Occasionally I have seen requests for information on past articles in
- alt.alien.visitors. If you desire something, I have the entire newsgroup
- archive back to July 13, 1992. I access it frequently. I have no way to
- ftp it to another system for public access but would be glad to email
- portions of it upon request. The responses are not guaranteed to be
- correct or complete.
- You can email me at gvb@acd4.acd.com and I will do my best.
- gvb@TEFS1.acd.com (Gregg Brown)
- 10.01: A UFO Book List
- -------------------------------
- I'd like to take this opportunity to remind people of my UFO bibliography
- file, and to solicit contributions and book comments for it. The file
- can be ftp'd from paul.rutgers.edu, directory pub/ufo, file
- bibliography.Z (compressed format). The file is organized by author, and
- also again by date-of-publication, and also includes Keith Rowell's
- excellent bibliography file (which is also worked into the above two
- parts). Many titles have comments from various people as to the value of
- the book; I would like any comments on any of the books from anyone, and
- also additional books for inclusion. Check out the UFO Bibliography that
- you can ftp at:
- paul.rutgers.edu
- The file is pub/UFO/bibliography.Z It has books by author, a second
- listing by date, and also the names of prominent authors in the field.
- For more information contact: mcgrew@dropout.rutgers.edu (Charles Mcgrew)
- 10.02: Big Foot (Sasquatch)
- ---------------------------
- Our research group is currently investigating reports and sightings of
- the animal known as "Bigfoot" or "Sasquatch". If you or somebody you know
- has had such a sighting, or come across what may be evidence supporting
- the existence of such an animal, please get in contact with us in one of
- the following formats:
- o Leave a private message in electronic mail:
- ai065@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Thomas Hill)
- o Call Thomas Hill at 216-362-6529.
- o Or write:
- Thomas E. Hill
- 16124 Richard Dr.
- Brook Park, OH 44142
- Contact with us can be totally anonymous if you wish. We are especially
- interested in Ohio sightings but are by no means limited to
- investigations in that state. Please, serious responses only.
- 10.03: Free UFO Class
- ---------------------
- Penn State University has Free U classes that are offered to the public
- at no charge! They supply a classroom to those who wish to teach a
- subject and the public may attend them for free. One of the classes
- offered is a UFO class Organized and taught by Janet Smith, and Beth
- Combs.
- In the class they discuss every aspect of the UFO phenomenon such as the
- Billie Meier investigation, government cover-ups, Zecharia Sitchin who
- wrote the Earth Chronicles series, Mars probe, Mars Face and many other
- topics. The class also offers guest speakers who have done UFO research
- plus videos, movies and articles about various UFO phenomenon.
- The classes are held every Monday in room 207 of Sackett Building at Penn
- State University in State College, PA. The starting time is 7:00 pm, EDT
- (soon to be EST) and they ends sometime after 9:00 pm. The class will be
- held until December 7th. The class may continue after the holidays into
- next semester, but that depends on our level of interest.
- If someone has questions or would like to contribute to the group in some
- way, (ie. guest speakers, movies, different types of information, etc.)
- contact Janet Smith at JLS19@psuvm.psu.edu or write to her at: 123
- Ramblewood Road, Pennsylvania Furnace, PA 16865. Home phone: (814)
- 237-6763, Work phone: (814) 863-0466.
- 10.04: Freedom of Information
- -----------------------------
- In the US, you write to the agency you want to reach, addressed to
- the "Freedom of Information Officer". A list of agencies is available
- from the US Government Printing Office. Their order number is:
- 202-783-3238
- The "US Government Manual" (1991/92), price $23 (they take MC/Visa
- orders over the phone). They will also send you a catalog of all
- manuals/documents available from the USGPO for free. Order at the same
- number. [I have more information on this, I will add it later.]
- Main Source: mcgrew@dropout.rutgers.edu (Charles Mcgrew)
- 10.05: Hidden Ancient Ruins
- ---------------------------
- The address is Mystic Mountain Adventures
- Dept. 100 11142 Manhattan Avnue, Ste. 43
- Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Ph# (310) 318-6567.
- 10.06: Inter Library Loans (ILL)
- --------------------------------
- If you would like to research an the various UFO topics mentioned in this
- FAQ and you don't have a large bank account, go to your local library and
- ask about the Inter Library Loan System. The ILL lets you check out books,
- audio tapes, video tape, and get copies of magazine articles that your local
- library might not have. In many cases there is no charge for using ILL, this
- depend upon you local library. Almost all the book I have used to research
- this FAQ were ordered through ILL. Check it out. :-)
- 10.07: NASA Shuttle Footage
- ---------------------------
- NASA Select on Satcom 2, Transponder 13, carries the whole mission, live
- and anybody with a satellite dish can tune in. You can find the original
- uplink and shuttle audio on Transponder 5. This is the raw video with
- shuttle to ground audio communications on it.
- 10.08: UFO Related anonymous FTP Sites
- ---------------------------------------
- [Also See: 10.00: A Complete UFO Book List]
- phoenix UFO Pics
- ----------------
- phoenix.oulu.fi (
- In /pub/ufo_and_space_pics
- NASA Pics Sites
- ----------------
- NOTE: the material at these sites is exceedingly voluminous;
- I'd strongly suggest just getting the CD-ROMs instead of attempting
- to transfer scores of gigabytes of pix and other material.
- To access the online catalog of NASA material, CD-ROMS, et cetera:
- telnet nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov
- login as "NODIS"
- no password
- Anonymous ftp sites (five):
- nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov []
- This is a VAX/VMS box, so you must ftp-login as "anonymous". To get
- a dir listing into a file on your system:
- ftp> dir [...] file_on_your_system
- vab02.larc.nasa.gov
- lots of stuff, including Aliens of all colors, and UFO pix (though
- this
- seems to mirror a lot of what's at phoenix.oulu.fi and has some
- additional material).
- ames.arc.nasa.gov
- online copies of what appears to be all NASA's CD-ROMs, and lots of
- GIFs, *.img and *.jpg from most (all?) space missions since Apollo.
- iris1.ucis.dal.ca
- dunno; it appears to be down today (Saturday, 18-July-1992).
- ummts.cc.umich.edu
- |
- {changed to}
- |
- V
- archive.umich.edu
- apparently popular (and, hence, slow). Is supposed to have many
- NASA and Voyager data files.
- Main Source: thad@cup.portal.com (Thad Floryan)
- === UFO Organizations
- ------------------
- Throughout the world there are many civilian organisations which either have
- the study of UFOs or extraterrestrials as their main object of interest or
- include them as part of a wider remit. Each organisation has a different
- view of the subject ranging from the basically scientific to, in some cases,
- the frankly nutty.
- This list is not exhaustive, but is fairly extensive. The names of the
- officers and subscription rates of organisations may change and, unless
- the editor is informed, the updated information may not be available here.
- This is, of course, not the only list of organisations produced in the
- world. Readers are urged to consult other lists as well such as the excellant
- list of UFO organisations produced by John A. Hayes for UFOnet.
- 11.00: Aerial Phenomenon Research: The Indiana Group
- ----------------------------------------------------
- 18 Davis Drive Mt. Vernon, Indiana 47620
- Francis L. Ridge (Director)
- 812-838-3120 / 812-838-9843
- Publishers of : Indiana UFO Newsletter
- Founded in 1986
- A statewide organization which attempts to immediately respond to UFO
- sightings
- 11.01: The Aetherius Society
- ----------------------------
- 6202 Afton Place Hollywood,
- California 90028-8298
- Detroit Branch
- 17670 West 12 Mile Road
- Southfield, Michigan 48076
- 313-552-9153 / 313-552-9159
- Reverend Lesley Young
- (General Committeee) : 213~65-9652/ 213~67-HEAL (4325)
- Publishers of : The Aetherius Society Journal : Cosmic Voice
- Founded in 1960
- The Hollywood, California office is the American headquarters for The
- Society which was founded in England in 1955. In the US, the Society was
- incorporated in 1960 as a non-profit religious, scientific, and educational
- organization.
- The Society is a metaphysical, channeling organization whose
- founder/president, Sir George King, is a Western Master of Yoga and who has
- been in contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligences for over 35 years. He
- acts as a channel for the dissemination of Higher Wisdom from These
- Sources.
- The Society's objective is to explain the presence of UFOs around the Earth
- and to make known knowledge given to their president by Advanced Beings who
- reside in this Solar System. This information is disseminated through
- books, pamphlets, cassettes and albums and two newsletters, "The Aetherius
- Society Journal" and "Cosmic Voice".
- Also, study courses in: "Metaphysical and Occult Sciences" and "Cosmic
- Revelations" to further spread the word and to explain the cosmic
- significance of messages received from the Advanced Beings. Regular
- meetings at the U.S. and England headquarters as well as by associated
- branches throughout the world.
- Prayer Circles are organized during a Spiritual Push (or Magnetization
- Period) at different holy mountain sites, when the giant Interplanetary
- Spacecraft is brought into Earth's orbit by a Cosmic Master. Helpers who
- attend these Power Circles send out the Spiritual energies from this Cosmic
- Master to help mankind.
- 11.02: Ancient Astronaut Society
- --------------------------------
- 1921 St. Johns Avenue
- Highland Park, Illinois 60035-3105
- Gene M. Phillips (Founder) :708-295-8899
- Publication is Ancient Skies
- Founded in 1973. non-profit, tac-exempt organization operated for
- scientific, literary and educational purposes. The primary objectives of
- the Society are to search for evidence of whether Earth was visited in the
- remote past by intelligent beings from outer space and to determine whether
- a highly developed, technological civilization existed on Earth before our
- recorded history.
- The Society also provides complete study courses in: "Metaphysical and
- Occult Sciences" and "Cosmic Revelations" to explain the cosmic
- significance of messages received from Advanced Beings.
- 11.03: Ancient Truth Research Foundation
- ----------------------------------------
- 6146 Eleanor Avenue #205 Los Angeles, California 90~036
- Albert Rainey
- 213'464-5948
- Publication is Cosmic Current News
- Interested in many New Age topics, including UFOs.
- 11.04: The Awareness Reserch Foundation, Inc.
- ---------------------------------------------
- DeSoto Square
- No. 29, 35 Ritter Road
- Hayesville, North Carolina 28904
- Helen I. Hoag (Executive Director)
- 704-389-8672
- New Age organization with many interests, including UFOs; investigates
- various metaphysical activities and issues findings through publication of
- various books.
- 11.05: Borderland Sciences Research Foundation (BSRF)
- -----------------------------------------------------
- P.O. Box 429
- Garberville, California 9544429
- Contact : Tom Brown
- Telephone Number : 707-986-7211
- Publication is : Journal of Borderland Research
- Founded in: 1945
- Functions as clearinghouse, specializing in rare and unusual information.
- BSRF is an alternative scientific movement which deals with a variety of
- borderland subjects, including UFOs; a
- non-profit organization; its members are people who take an active interest
- in observing the physical, mental, and spiritual environment. In addition
- BSRF studies: Light & Color affects on people, Radionics, Dowsing, Free
- Energy, Orgone Energy, Hollow
- Earth Mysteries, Anomalies, Fortean Phenomena, Hypnosis, Photography of the
- Invisible, etc. and offers a catalog of available books, reports, and
- tapes.
- ------------------------------------------------
- Commonly called BUFORA. It was formed in 1962 as a federation
- of eight regional UK UFO groups. These included the London
- UFO Research Organisation (LUFORO, founded in 1959) the largest
- UK group at the time and the British Flying Saucer Bureau (BFSB,
- founded in 1952) which was the oldest UK group.
- BUFORA publishes six issues per year of the A4 magazine UFO TIMES.
- Current annual membership subscription is 18 pounds sterling.
- Approx membership 500. Current senior officers include Stephen
- Gamble (Director of Research) and John Spencer (Chairman).
- Contact address : BM BUFORA, London, WC1N 3XX
- 11.07: California UFO
- ---------------------
- 1800 South Robertson Blvd
- Box 355
- Los Angeles, California 90035
- Vicki Cooper (Editor); Don Ecker (Researcher)
- Telephone Numbers : 213-273-9409 /818-951-1250
- Publication : UFO
- Publishes the bi-monthly UFO" magazine. Additionally, this organization
- sponsors annual conferences which concentrate on a variety of UFO-related
- subjects.
- 11.08: Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS)
- ------------------------------------------
- P.O. Box 218 c/o Mr. Lawrence Fawcett
- Coventry, Cormecticut 06238 [or] 471 Goose Lane
- Peter Gersten (Director) Coventry, Connecticut 06238
- Lawrence Fawcett (Asst Director & Publisher)
- Barry Greenwood (Research Director & Editor)
- P.O.Box 176, Stoneham, MASS, 02180, USA
- Publication is : Just Cause
- Founded in : 1978
- A non-profit organization to uncover all existing documentation relating to
- governrnent involvement in UFO investigations and research. To accomplish
- this, CAUS files numerous Freedom of Inforrnation Act (FOIA) lawsuits in an
- attempt to get the governrnent to release relevant documents.Their "Just
- Cause" quarterly newsletter carries events and provides updated UFO news
- from around the world. They published a book too -- "Clear Intent"
- 11.09: Committee for the Scientific Investigation of
- Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP)
- ----------------------------------------------------
- Refer to: The Skeptical Inquirer
- P.O. Box 229
- Buffalo, New York 14215{)229
- Paul Kurtz (Chairman - Skeptical Inquirer)
- Philip J. Klass (UFO Subcommittee)
- Lynda Harwood (Public Relations)
- 716-834-3222
- 716-834-0841
- "The Skeptical Inquirer" is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization.
- CSICOP is headed by Paul Kurtz and investigates claims of the
- Paranorrnal, including UFOs and UFO-related activity.The committee's
- investigations, findings, commentaries, etc. are published in "The
- Skeptical Inquirern.
- -----------------------------------
- Bulletin Board system run by UFO Reporting and Information Service. Date of
- formation not known. Information director : Dale Goudie, SYSOP: Jim Klotz
- Based Seattle, Washington, USA. Board number +1 206 776 0382, parameters
- 300/1200/2400 bps 8 bit no parity 1 stop bit.
- 11.11: Contactee
- ----------------
- P.O. Box 12
- New Milford, New Jersey 07646
- Ellen Crystall (Director)
- Studies UFOs by direct observation; quarterly newsletter, "Contactee"
- details activities.Tne primary goal of Contactee is to educate about
- world-wide contacts being made with UFOs and to disseminate information to
- all interested parties.
- Contactee also sells books and sponsors various conferences.
- Regular Member (those who claim to have had alien contact) and
- Auxiliary Member (those who do not claim UFO contact)
- membership fee is $20.00 per year and includes the newsletter.
- Contactee accepts articles for its newsletter.
- 11.12: Cosmic Awareness Communications
- --------------------------------------
- P.O. Box 115
- Olympia, Washington 98507
- Vikki T. (Correspondence Secretary)
- Pulication is : Reveltions of Awareness
- A tax-exempt organization.
- Studies New Age subjects, including UFOs. This group is centered around the
- "channelings" of a "Force" which refers to itself as "Cosmic Awareness". CA
- believes that this "Force" has expressed itself through selected people in
- history including Jesus, the Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, and Edgar Cayce,
- among others.
- Publication, "Revelations of Awareness, has published over 300 editions and
- details various New Age subjects. Subscribers receive a catalog listing all
- available back issues and subjects covered. Membership is $30.00 per year.
- Will accept memberships for three month periods ($3.00 per month), prepaid.
- Individual/Family $ 3.00/ month or $30.00/ year New Age-related (including
- UFOs) books and tapes available.
- 11.13: CSETI
- ------------
- Dr. Steven Greer 704-274-5671
- Asheville,N.C.
- 11.14: Delval UFO, Inc.
- -----------------------
- 948 Almshouse Road
- Ivyland, Pennsylvania 18974
- Anthony Volpe (President)
- 215-357-2909
- Publication is the Awakening; the group was founded in 1973.
- A channeling, contactee UFO organization, founded in 1973.their publication
- "Awakening", is offered nine 9 times a year; they sell UFO-related books
- and tapes.
- 11.15: The Fair Witness Project, Inc.
- -------------------------------------
- Parent Organization: William L. Moore Publications & Research
- 4219 West Olive Avenue Suite #247
- Burbank, California 91505
- 213-463-0542
- Publication is : Focus
- A non-profit corporation whose income is used to fund the research efforts
- of qualified persons selected by the Directors of the Fair Witness Project.
- They accept donations and will send an acknowledgement of that donation for
- tax purposes.
- 11.16: The Federation
- ---------------------
- The Federation is a group of people who feel it is high time we got
- off this rock and started exploring the great unknown of space. The
- Federation has drawn out in blue print form a drive system that is a a super
- semi conducting crystaline structure. To get more information on the
- Federation send a 3.5 floppy and they will place an info packet on it and
- send
- it back to you. You must have a mac that has 5.0 microsoftword or better.Send
- to this adrress:
- The Federation
- C/O Lady Rhavyn
- Po box 231772
- Anchorage, Alaska
- 99523-1772
- If you have any questions feel free to send to this account.
- 11.17: Flying Saucer Information Center
- ---------------------------------------
- 7803 Ruanne Court
- Pasadena, Maryland 21122
- James H. Wales : Update
- Founded in 1954
- Acts as a clearing house for the distribution of UFO information to the
- general public. Laura Mundo began this organization in 1954.
- Group feels the Earth is in danger due to upcoming radical changes in the
- atmosphere (sunspot activity) and Space Beings are here to help. They will
- be able to either solve the problem or take selected Earth people to safe
- locations (inside their insulated spaceships) until the atmospheric
- activity calms down. When humans return to Earth after surviving the
- atmospheric instability, they will begin the Universal Way of Life, which
- is a standard way of life on other planets. Also believe Space People
- living on Earth today are to here to monitor us and help.
- ------------------------------------
- This was founded in 1982 by Ray Boeche and deals with all aspects of Fortean
- Phenomena. The current Director is Scott Colbourn. The contact address for
- the Center is P.O.Box 94627, Lincoln, Nebraska, 68509, USA. The Center runs
- a Bulletin Board on +1 402 488 2587.
- ------------------------------------
- [Duplicated entry - see 11.20 SG]
- 11.20: The Fund for UFO Research, Inc.
- --------------------------------------
- P.O. Box 277
- Mt. Rainier, Maryland 20712
- Bruce Maccabee, PhD (Chairman)
- Publication is: Quarterly Report
- Founded in 1979
- 2000 Members
- A non-profit, tax-exempt organization based in Washington, D.. whose
- mission is to provide grants for scientific research and public education
- projects dealing with the UFO phenomenon. Since 1979 has raised more than
- $150,000.00 from more than 2000 contributors. Also sponsors and awards the
- annual Donald E. Keyhoe Journalism Award."
- The Fund sponsors such projects the release of U.S.
- Government documents concerning UFOs under the Freedom of Informatioon
- Act,computer-aided analysis of UFO photographs, research into major UFO
- sightings around the world,
- research into "Operation Majestic 12", psychological testing of people who
- reported being abducted by apparent aliens, international symposiums and
- conducts interviews and lectures.
- The Fund takes the position that many reported UFOs cannot be identified as
- conventional aerial vehicles or phenomena. Thus, UFO reports are
- potentially of enormous significance and merit serious scientific research.
- 11.21: Gulf Breeze Skywatch
- ---------------------------
- 904-433-2737 (Bruce and Ann Morrison)
- 11.22: Inner-Peace Prosperity Network (IPPN)
- --------------------------------------------
- 12628 Black Saddle Lane
- Germntown, Maryland 20874-5001
- Patrick O'Connell
- 301-972-1980
- IPPN believes that extraterrestrials have already landed and established
- underground bases, mainly in the western and southwestern United States.
- "Trends & Predictions Analystn, is a compilation of UFO-related theories,
- news, and current events; newsletter (printed twice a year) also details
- available books, papers, and tapes for sale by IPPN.
- Membership rates:
- $ 4.00/ year (U.S. & Canada) $ 5 .00/ year (Foreign) $12.vO /3 years (IJ.S.
- & Canada) $15.00 / 3 years (Foreign)
- Membership includes the newsletter. IPPN also sells Name Lists of people
- who subscribe to New Age periodicals. IPPN gears the selling of these lists
- to those interested in selling New Age- related products. As of September
- 1990, the charge for these lists are:
- 1000 Narnes $20.00 2000 Names $40.00 3000 Narnes $60.00
- IPPN also sells back-issues of "The New Atlantean Journaln, a defunct
- periodical dealing with New Age-related subjects, including UFOs.
- 11.23: Intercontinental UF Galactic Spacecraft-Research and
- Analytic Network (ICUFON)
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- 35-40 75th Street Suite 4G
- Jackson Heights, New York 11372
- Colman S. VonKeviczky (Director)
- 718-72-7948
- A non-profit organization whose goal is to persuade the United Nations (and
- the world's governments) to establish an official World Authority for UFO
- Affairs (the WASA Project), to seek and establish contact with
- extraterrestrial galactic powers; maintains that the world's governments
- have known about UFOUs for several decades and that they are conducting
- covert warfare in an attempt to try to stop any invasion from outer space.
- ICUFON wants to open full dialogue with any and all extraterrestrial
- forces.
- ICUFON maintains an Archives Department which contains UFO cases,
- photographs, movie films, declassified military and governmental
- documentation from all over the world.
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- Formed in 1979 as a UFOlogical 'United Nations'. The membership consists
- of representative organisations for various countries. Commonly called
- ICUR. Members include BUFORA (UK); Center for UFO Studies (USA); CISU
- (Italy); MUFON (USA); SUFOI (Denmark); Project UNICAT (USA) Project URD
- (Sweden); VUFORS (Australia).
- ICUR's objectives are to promote data exchange between groups and to
- help establish common standards and terminology.
- Officers are Chairman: Robert Digby (BUFORA, UK); Vice-Chairman: Walter
- Andrus (MUFON, USA); Secretary : Stephen Gamble (BUFORA, UK) and
- Treasurer : John Spencer (BUFORA, UK). Contact address is : P.O. Box 314,
- Penn, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP10 8DH, Great Britain.
- 11.25: Internationa1 Fortean Organization (INFO)
- ------------------------------------------------
- P.O. Box 367
- Arlington, VA 22210-0367
- Raymond Manners (President & Journal Editor)
- Publication is INFO Journal
- Founded in 1965 by Ronald Willis
- A non-profit corporation established for the educational and scientific
- study of Fortean phenomena. INFO investigates the strange and unreasonable
- events that happen in this world, including UFOs, lost civilizations,
- physical anomalies, Atlantis, Bigfoot, vanished civilizations, etc.
- Today, INFO continues the work of Charles Fort to collect, record, and
- publish reports of strange occurrences. Their findings are published in the
- INFO Journal. INFO holds an annual convention, called FortFest, in the
- Washington D.C. area.
- Annual membership fee includes the "INFO Journal" is $12.00 in the U.S. and
- $16.00 for foreign countries. INFO maintains files on all of its
- investigations, cases, etc. Slides, books, and tapes are for sale and back
- issues of "INFO Journal" are also available. The INFO Research Service
- performs funded research for the media while the INFO Research Library is
- open to scholars.
- ----------------------------
- Organisation formed by abduction researcher Budd Hopkins to provide support
- and a forum for abductees to discuss their experiences. Contact address :
- PO Box 30233, New York, New York, 10011, USA. Phone and fax: +1 212-645-5278
- 11.27: Island Skywatch
- ----------------------
- 164-22 77th Road Flushing,
- New York 11366 : Bill Knell (Director)
- 718-591-1854 (24-Hour Hotline) . The New York UFO Report : Island
- Publication is Skywatch Journal
- 1989 by Bill Knell
- A tax-exempt organization whose goal is the scientific and objective study
- of the UFO phenomenon. Membership ($25.00 per year) includes one year
- subscription to the "New York UFO Report" and the Island Skywatch Journal,
- one copy of "Hidden Truth: The UFO Story" (a two-hour video history about
- UFOs written by Bill Knell), the opportunity to attend free local meetings,
- free training as a UFO investigator, and the opportunity to investigate
- Island Skywatch cases.They offer a wide variety of books, audiotapes, video
- tapes, for sale. Bill Knell has cable TV UFO show "UFOs Over Long Island"
- on the Brookhaven Cable TV system every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. (channel
- 35).UFO Abductee Support Group offered as well.
- -----------------------------------------------------
- 2457 West Peterson Avenue
- Chicago, Illinois 60659
- Contacts
- Mark Rodeghier (President)
- George Eberhart (Librarian & Archivist)
- 312-271-3611
- Publications are : The Journal of UFO Studies and International UFO
- Reporter (IUR)
- Founded in 1973 by Dr. J. Allen Hynek
- A non-profit organization whose goal is to promote serious research into
- the UFO phenomena through the expertise of an international group of
- scientists, academians, and volunteers. This organization has a worldwide
- network of field investigators that interview witnesses, examine physical
- evidence and gather any other relevant information. The major purpose of
- CUFOS is to act as a clearinghouse - aplace where UFO experiences can be
- reported and researched. Dr. J. Allen Hynek, who was considered one of
- the world's pre- eminent authorities on the UFO phenomenon, first became
- involved with UFOs as Scientific Consultant to the U.S. Air Force from 1948
- to 1968, and was Scientific Director of CUFOS until his death in 1986. He
- coined the phrase "close encounters of the third kind" and acted as
- technical advisor to director Steven Spielberg on the movie of the same
- name.
- CUFOS maintains the world's largest repository of data about UFO phenomena,
- second only to the US Government! This
- material includes more than 50,000 cases of UFO sightings and a library of
- more than 5,000 books and magazines, which cover all aspects of the UFO
- phenomena. CUFOS promotes various activities, projects, publications,
- symposiums, conferences, seminars and field trips to various UFO-related
- locations and sells journals, books, audiocassette tapes, and other
- publications.
- The "International UFO Reporter (IUR)", published bi-monthly, reports on
- current sightings, news and articles on current UFO topics. CUFOS also
- publishes the annual "Journal of UFO Studies" which presents a collection
- of scholarly papers on the UFO
- phenomenon. A $25.00 contribution entitles a member to become an ASSOCIATE
- of CUFOS and to receive the "International UFO Reporter" for one year.
- The Center publishes the International UFO Reporter
- 11.29: The Massachusetts Center for the study of Aerial Phenomena
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- 43 Harrison Street Reading,
- Massachusetts 01867 Contact
- Jim Melesciuc
- 617-944 0686
- A loose-knit organization comprised of researchers who wish to remain
- unaffiliated with any specific UFO group and concentrate efforts in
- individual fields of interest; many members do belong to other UFO groups,
- such as CAUS, MUFON, CUFOS, etc.
- 11.30: Multi-national Investigations Cooperative on Aerial Phenomena (MICAP)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Based in Denver, Colorado. Director is Micheal Corbin.
- They can be reached at +1 303-431-8796.
- P.O. Box 172, Wheat Ridge, CO 80034-0928
- MICAP is an international membership group dedicated to the scientific
- exploration of the UFO phenomenon. Membership is $30.00 per year and includes
- a subscription to CONTINUUM.
- For application, call 303-431-8797, or write to MICAP at Box 172,
- Wheat Ridge, CO 80034-0172.
- 11.31: Mutual UFO Network, Inc. (MUFON)
- ----------------------------------------
- 103 Oldtowne Road Seguin, Texas 78155099
- Contact: Walter H. Andrus, Jr
- Founded in May 31, 1969 with a membership of 2500 Originally based in
- Illinois it was called the Mid-west UFO Network, changing its name around
- 1972 to Mutual to represent its growing role as a national and international
- group.
- MUFON has local groups in each State within the USA and has representatives
- in many countries outside the USA. Current membership number is around
- 4000. MUFON publishes 12 issues per year of the A4 MUFON UFO Journal : MUFON
- Field Investigator's Manual. The annual membership fee is 25 US Dollars or
- 30 Dollars for overseas members. MUFON runs a bulletin board service,
- contact the office for details.
- MUFON is non-profit, international, scientific organization devoted to
- studying and researching the UFO phenomenon. MUFON sponsors and conducts
- worldwide conferences, seminars and symposiums. MUFON members believe that a
- concentrated scientific study by dedicated investigators and researchers
- will provide the ultimate answer to the UFO enigma. State Director oversees
- the activities of Field Investigators through State Section Directors. An
- International Co-ordinator and seven Continental Co-ordinators work with
- Foreign Representatives in each country to investigate UFO activity.
- MUFON is the "parent organization" for numerous, smaller UFO research
- groups across the United States and around the world.
- Since 1970 has sponsored an Annual International UFO Symposium where
- scientists, engineers, university professors, and authors lecture on their
- particular specialization to solving the UFO enigma. The copyrighted
- symposium proceedings are published annually for worldwide distribution.
- Back issues of symposium proceedings are available.
- Anyone interested is invited to join MUFON by submitting a membership
- application and dues for approval.
- Other MUFON Branches:
- New Zealand Director for MUFON,
- murrayb@kiwi.gen.nz (Murray Bott)
- PO Box 27117, Mt Roskill, Auckland 1030, New Zealand Phone: 64-9-6315825
- 11.32: Mutual UFO Network of North Carolina, Inc. (MUFON-NC)
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- 602 Battleground Road
- Lincolnton, North Carolina 28092
- George D. Fawcett (State Director)
- 704-735-5725
- Founded in February 1, 1990; non-profit corporation whose goal is to
- investigate and research the UFO enigma. MUFON-NC accepts reports of
- sightings, visitations, etc. and will investigate those cases with the most
- merit.
- MUFON-NC holds quarterly meetings in North Carolina on the first Sunday of
- February, May, August and November on a rotating basis in different cities;
- meetings generally run from lpm until 6pm.
- To join: $10 self-addressed, stamped envelope with 45 cents postage to the
- above address; you get forms for both MUFON and MUFON- NC.
- Granville Angell (Treasurer) Robert H. Hair
- Route 2, Box 252D Vale, 314 Wilson Street
- North Carolina 28168 Eden, North Carolina 27288
- 704-462-2303 919-627-4184
- 11.33: National Investigations Committeee on UFOs (NICUFO)
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- 14617 Victory Blvd Suite 4
- P.O. Box 5
- Van Nuys, California 91411
- Dr. Frank E. Stranges, PhD. (President)
- 818-989-5942
- Publishes the UFO Journal : Inter-Space-Link-Confidential NL
- Founded in July 1967
- A non-profit organization whose aim is to conduct research into, and
- provide education about, the fields of UFOs, Space, and Science phenomena.
- Members are available to provide lectures throughout the world. Monthly
- meetings, as well as two UFO seminars per year, are held at NICUFO
- headquarters in Van Nuys, California.
- One of the world's largest collections of UFO slides, books and tapes. For
- more information materials write: I.E.C. Book Department, P.O. Box 73, VVan
- Nuys, California 91408.
- Anyone interested in becoming a State Director should contact NICUFO.
- Annual membership fees are $25.00 ($30.00 foreign) and includes a
- subscription to the UFO Journal magazine, which is a quarterly publication.
- Also available is the Inter-Space-Link- Confidential-Newsletter for $60.00
- per year.
- Based upon their experience, members may serve in one of the following
- positions: Consultant, State or Provincial Director, State Section
- Director, Foreign Representative, Field Investigator, Research Specialist,
- Amateur Radio Operator, Astronomer, Field Investigator Trainee, Translator,
- UFO News Clipping Service, Contributing Subscriber or Associate Member
- (under 18 years of age).
- MUFON trains its Field Investigators and provides them with the "MUFON
- Field Investigator's Manual".
- Amateur Radio Networks are used to receive and disseminate UFO sighting
- reports and current UFO information. The time and frequencies of these
- broadcasts are published in the "MUFON UFO Journal."
- 11.34: The National Sighting Research Center (NSRC)
- ---------------------------------------------------
- P.O. Box 76
- Emerson, New Jersey 07630
- Bob Sylvester (Co Director)
- Publishes the National Sighting Yearbook since 1988.
- A non-profit organization composed of 6 part-time research specialists with
- expertise in microcomputer-based data base management systems (DBMS),
- statistical analysis, micro telecommunications, and trend analysis. The
- NSRC acts as an information- gathering organization which compiles massive
- amounts of data and disseminates it in the form of computerized reports,
- including information in statistical and graphical form.
- The goals of NSRC are to provide the professional UFO investigator or
- researcher with a computerized, highly graphical database summary of all
- reported sightings of anomalous aerial phenomena within the United States
- and a clearinghouse for UFO sighting report data; periodically release
- other publications, in-depth reports requested by other researchers and
- organizations.
- 11.35: Nevada Aerial Research Group (NARG)
- ------------------------------------------
- P.O. Box 81407
- Las Vegas, Nevada 8918G-1407
- Val Valerian
- Publishes the Leading Edge : NARG AMual Journal
- A worldwide, New Age organization with researchers and investigators 12
- countries and 37 states. The primary goals of NARG are to provide
- information on developments in our civilization which affect all of this
- planet, to investigate all processes that impede evolution, and promote an
- increase in the awareness level of the mass human consciousness.
- The NARG investigates, radionics, psycotronics, mind control, alien
- interaction, gravitational and crystalline technologies, overt and covert
- intelligence operations, systems above and below the surface of the planet,
- conspiracies, advances in physics, planetary power structures, foreign
- technology, brain machines, implant technology, human abductions and animal
- mutilations.
- Leading Edge is only available from Arcturus Book Service,
- PO Box 831383, Stone Mountain, Georgia 30083-0023, 404-297-4624. Published
- 6 times a year.This is the source of the MATRIX materials.
- 11.36: North American Circle
- -----------------------------
- PO Box 61144, Durham, NC 27715-1144
- 11.37: North American Institute for Crop Circle Research (NAICCR)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- NAICCR was formed in 1990 after requests for information about North
- American crop circles had reached epidemic proportions. UFOROM
- associates, who had been regularly investigating reports and
- discoveries of UGMs (Unusual Ground Markings), including traces very
- similar to crop circles, responded to inquiries by formalising a sister
- group devoted to research into UGMs.
- NAICCR associates investigate UGMs rationally, and prepare reports on
- their findings. NAICCR distributes a list of known North American
- UGMs, based on information provided to NAICCR by co-operative
- researchers throughout the continent. A comparable list of British UGMs
- has never been available in this manner. NAICCR also publishes an
- annual report of North American UGM activity, with analyses and
- commentary.
- NAICCR will continue to function in the future at about the present
- level of activity, though it would be preferred if UGM cases would
- once again be studied as special cases of UFO cases, as was the case
- before tthat category of UGMs was raised to a separate category because
- of British research. NAICCR may perhaps merge back with UFOROM, if this
- is the case, since UFOROM had been investigating UGMs as a matter of
- course.
- Box 1918 [or] 649 Silverstone Avenue
- Winnipeg, Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba
- Canada R3C 3R2 R3T 2V8, Canada.
- 11.38: Northamptonshire UFO Research Centre (NUFORC)
- ----------------------------------------------------
- This is a local group covering the county of Northamptonshire within England.
- Common name is NUFORC. Formed in 1986. Number of members about 20. Chief
- officers are Stephen Gamble (Chairman); Susan Pollock (Secretary) and Elsie
- Oakensen (Treasurer). Contact address : 30 Stonebridge Court, Lings,
- Northampton, Northamptonshire, England.
- -----------------------------------
- Formed in 1973, the Northern UFO Network or NUFON was a loose federation of
- local UFO groups throughout northern England. At the peak about 20 groups
- were members. A small newsletter called Northern UFO News was published by
- the group. Although the federation of groups no longer exists, Northern UFO
- News is still published by Jenny Randles.
- 11.40: Omega Communications
- ----------------------------
- P.O. Box 2051 Cheshire, Connecticut 06410
- John W. White, M.A.T. (President)
- Sponsors public events (seminars, lectures, symposiums, etc) to promote
- discussion about the UFO experience. Since 1987, Omega Communications has
- produced an annual symposium, "The UFO Experience" where numerous
- researchers and contactees are invited to talk. These proceedings are
- published in audio and video format available for sale. Audio and
- videotapes of previous conferences are available. Audio tapes are $9.00
- each while videotapes are $29.95 each . Each tape is approximately 90
- minutes in length. Video tapes are available only in VHS format.
- 11.41: ParaNet (Paranormal Network) Information Service
- -------------------------------------------------------
- ParaNet Information Service
- P.O. Box 172
- Wheat Ridge, CO 80034-0172
- Voice Phone - 303-431-8796
- Data BBS Phone - 303-431-8797
- Publication is The Continuum :
- Founded in 1986
- History
- ParaNet started on January 1, 1986 in a bulletin-board system called
- "The Other Side" It was one of the first BBS that gathered together
- various information for the pourpous of research on the paranormal.
- Jim Speiser was the Director of ParaNet 1986-88 at the time and
- wanted to bring together the three factions of paranormal debate
- (the skeptics, the believers, and the undecided) for public
- discussion of paranormal. He created ParaNet as neutral ground for
- the exchange of information on the paranormal.In 1988 Speiser turned
- over the directorship to Michael Corbin.
- Current Status
- ParaNet's basic goles are reflected in its motto: "Answering Questions,
- Questioning Answers". ParaNet offers investigator's raw material, in the
- form of sighting reports, which comes from data supplied by the public.
- The network concept provides the investigators and its users with immediate,
- one-on-one contact, and instant access to a global communications medium.
- ParNet also keeps it users informed major, fast-breaking stories involving
- the paranormal. ParaNet can be accessed in six countries on three
- continents.
- The People of ParaNet
- ParaNet provides access to experts through their electronic system. Its
- research branch is headed by Robert B. Klinn, a veteran investigator who
- worked for the late Dr. J. Allen Hynek. ParaNet also provides a conference
- on the UFO abduction experience hosted by Dr. David Jacobs, a UFO historian
- and author. Many different groups and researchers of the paranormal use
- Parenet for information exchange and discussion of ideas. Among some of them
- are the Bay Area Skeptics, the South Shore Skeptics, Marge Christenson,
- T. Scott Crain, Dan Drasin, Stan Gordon, Barry Greenwood, Budd Hopkins,
- Linda Howe, Phil Imbrogno, Dr. David Jacobs, Dr. Donald Johnson, Philip
- Klass,
- Bruce Maccabee, Maj. James McGaha, Dr. Mark Rodeghier, Robert Schaeffer,
- Tracy Torme, and Dr. David Webb, Don Ecker, Vicki Cooper and and many others.
- The Future of ParaNet
- In the future ParaNet plans to expan their network to even more cournties,
- increasing public education and scientific-oriented research and
- investigation unequaled in the field. Their focus will be directed at
- bringing various credible existing organizations from around the world into
- a better orgonized research effort. ParaNet will also turn its attention to
- more investigative reporting. Paranet plans to acomplish this unser their
- new organization known as MICAP (Multi-national Investigations Cooperative
- on Aerial Phenomena). (see MICAP) MICAP will be a separate non-profit
- research/educational vehicle with investigative ability.
- Publications:
- CONTINUUM is a publication put out quarterly by ParaNet It costs $18.00
- per year. It is a very informative and diverse publication.
- Internet Mailings:
- To get the current postings from ParaNet send a mail message to:
- infopara-request@scicom.alphacdc.com
- with the word "Subscribe" in the subject line.
- Information about ParaNet and MICAP can be obtained by phoning 303-431-8796,
- or by writing to them at P.O. Box 172, Wheat Ridge, CO 80034-0172.
- To access ParaNet via computer and modem, call 303-431-8797 and you will be
- guided through the registration process and be given choices of which level
- of membership you wish to acquire.
- ParaNet's files are available on floppy disks or hard copy. Their catalog
- is available for $10.00 and contains a full listing of all available
- files, books, and videos. Contact Michael Corbin at:
- ParaNet Information Service
- P.O. Box 172
- Wheat Ridge, CO 80034-0172
- 11.42: Pennsylvania Association for the Study of the Unexplained (PASU)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 6 Oakhill Avenue
- Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601
- Stan Gordon (Director)
- 412-838-7768
- PASU Data Exchange
- Founded in 1981
- A volunteer, non-profit scientific research unit conducts investigations of
- strange or unusual occurrences, with emphasis on UFOs and UFO-related
- activity. PASU members donate their time and equipment. PASU is a statewide
- clearinghouse for reports of UFO sightings and is comprised of individuals
- with training or experience in the fields of science, engineering,
- technology or medicine who act as field investigators. Monthly meetings are
- held to share information. PASU has on file thousands of cases from
- Pennsylvania that include UFO sightings, creature reports, unusual animal
- killings, unexplained photographs and other anomalies. PASU attempts to
- send field investigators directly to the scene of an occurrence to gather
- information and interview witnesses. The "PASU Data Exchange" newsletter
- contains information regarding investigations conducted into unusual
- incidents that have occurred in Penn.
- 11.43: PNET
- ------------
- Based in Melbourne, Australia. Bulletin board system, echos some Paranet
- material. Sysop : Brian Evans, contact Brian by Internet mail for
- information:
- bevans@tanus.cec.edu.au
- 11.44: The Portland UFO Group (PUFOG)
- -------------------------------------
- P.O. Box 998 Wilsonville, OR 97070
- Jennifer Brown - Jacobs (Director)
- 503-538-0836
- PUFOG Newsletter Founded in 1989
- 500 Members
- A non-profit UFO organization whose monthly seminars are open to the
- general public; maintain no membership and are unaffiliated with any other
- UFO organization. PUFOG is an information group that conducts seminars on
- the 3rd Sunday of each month at Mt. Hood Community College, Gresham, OR.
- These seminars present knowledgeable speakers on UFOs and related
- subjects. Those who attend their seminars pay an admission fee and receive
- the PUFOG newsletter.
- 11.45: Roundtown UFO Society
- -----------------------------
- Roundtown UFO Society, PO Box 52, Circleville, Ohio 43113 Multi-national
- 11.46: Royal Priest Research
- ----------------------------
- P.O. Box 10546
- Sedona, Arizona 86336
- Lyssa Royal
- 602-282-320S
- Publication is: The Prism
- Founded in 1975, an independent research group with no members. Lyssa Royal
- mixes generally- accepted research techniques skills with less provable
- methods, such as channeling. Thus far, their research has produced two
- books, "The Prism of Lyra - An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage" (130
- pages) and "Visitors From Within" (171 pages).
- Lyssa Royal organizes and conducts weekly sessions, private consultations,
- and special events. She offers tapes of her numerous channeling sessions
- which discuss various topics and extraterrestrial beings both physical and
- nonphysical. Each tape is 90 minutes and $12.00; complete set (9 tapes) is
- $75.00.
- "The Prism" is periodic newsletter which details news, list of recent
- channeling tapes, books, etc.
- 11.47: The Search for EXtraterrestrial Intelligence
- ---------------------------------------------------
- Office of Space Science and Applications
- Michael Braukus
- (Phone: 202/358-1547)
- Ames Research Center, Mountain View, Calif.
- Michael Mewhinney
- (Phone: 415/604-9000)
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.
- Mary Hardin
- (Phone: 818/354-5011)
- 11.48: Sirian Rainbow Lodge
- ---------------------------
- P.O. Box 2108
- St. Petersburg, Florida 33731
- Liah GoldenHawk (Co Founder)
- L. Baird (Bookkeeper)
- 813-822-8154
- Pulbication is Solar Trek; founded in 1990.
- Primarily an extraterrestrial outpost program, provides information from
- the alien point of view. The Sirian Rainbow Lodge is the StarSystem Sirian
- Outpost; interested in sharing all types of positive ET Alien knowledge.
- ET & UFO Network where Contactees and others may share eexperiences,
- contacts and opinions. Focuses on believing and possibilities, rather than
- proving any theories; focuses mainly on occupants of UFOs and alien
- knowledge.
- The Lodge is led by the Bennu who is an alien of the Nordic type from
- StarSystem Sirius. To raise money, the Lodge sells books and booklets by
- the Bennu and "Solar Trek", the ET Alien Quarterly Journal.
- 11.49: SKYNET
- --------------
- 257 Sycamore Glen
- Pasadena, California 91105
- Ann Druffel (Project Co Ordinator)
- 213-256-8655
- Publication is Skynet Guides; Founded in1965; 50 - 100 members.
- Established to serve as a tracking system for UFO reports in the Los
- Angeles, California area. Its original purpose was to receive UFO reports
- at the time that witnesses were viewing the objects, thus centering their
- efforts on real-time viewing, photographing, monitoring, rather than
- relying on after-the-fact analysis.
- Upon joining, members agree to contact other SKYNET members whenever an
- unusual sighting is occurring for members to view, photograph and monitor
- the object in real-time while not having to wait for an after-the-fact
- presentation. This contacting of other SKYnet members that a sighting is
- occurring is the only obligation of members. All calls from the public
- receive an in-depth phone interview by an assigned SKYNET official and if
- warranted, further field investigations are conducted.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Commonly called SOBEPS and the leading group in Belgium. Senior Officers :
- President : Michel Bougard, Secretary : Lucien Clerebaut. Contact address
- 74 Avenue Paul Janson, B-1070, Bruxelles, Belgium.
- 11.51: Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE)
- -----------------------------------------------
- Office of the Secretary
- P.O. Box 3818,
- University Station
- Charlottesville, Virginia 22903-0818
- Laurence W. Fredrick (Secretary)
- 804-924-4905 : 804-924-3104
- Publishes the Journal of Scientific Exploration and The Explorer .
- Established in 1982. A tax-exempt group that investigates various
- anomalies, including UFOs. Although its president Professor Peter Sturrock
- of Stanford University, all contact with SSE should be made through
- Laurence W. Fredrick. The goal of the SSE is to gain further understanding
- of anomalous phenomena (including UFOs) and to share this knowledge with
- the public. The Society considers anomalous phenomena to be incidents that
- appear to contradict existing scientific knowledge; regarded by the
- scientific community as being outside their established fields of inquiry.
- They use the "Journal of Scientific Exploration" as an avenue to discuss
- anomalous phenomena and present research results to the scientific and
- scholarly community; its members are drawn from practitioners of science
- who have acquired a first-hand knowledge and understanding of the
- scientific process. The Society holds annual international meetings and
- periodically scheduled regional meetings.
- To promote co-operation, and to accommodate other levels of activity and
- interest, the Society has created the categories of "Corresponding Member"
- and "Associate". "Associates" receive the "Journal of Scientific
- Exploration" (two issues a year) and "The Explorer" (two issues a year). An
- Associate may submit letters and other items for publication in the
- Newsletter, may submit articles for publication in the Journal (each
- article must be sponsored by a "Full Member"), and may attend Society
- meetings by arrangement with a "Full Member". A person wishing to become an
- "Associate" may do so by completing an Application Form and sending it with
- a check for the annual dues to the Secretary.
- "Full Membership" is reserved for those associated with major universities,
- government entities or corporate research institutions who have an
- established reputation in a traditional branch of science.
- "Emeritus Membership" provides the privileges of Full Membership to
- similarly qua]ified retirees at a lower annual rate.
- "Student Membership" is limited to graduate students enrolled in academic
- institutions.
- "Corresponding Membership" is open to members of designated organizations.
- A "Corresponding Member" receives, and is entitled to submit articles to
- the "Journa] of Scientific Exploration".
- 11.52: The Societv for the Investigation of the Unexplained (SITU)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- P.O. Box 265
- Little Silver, New Jersey 07739
- Nancy Warth (Membership Secretary)
- 201-842-5229
- Publication is Pursuit
- Founded in 1965 by Ivan T. Sanderson
- A non-profit, tax-exempt organization; collects data on unexplained events,
- promotes proper investigation of both individua] reports and general
- subjects, and reports significant data to its members. SITU studies
- unexplained events that orthodox science does not (or will not)
- investigate.
- SITU maintains reference files which include original reports, newspaper
- and other clipping correspondence, audio tapes, films, photographs,
- drawings, maps, etc. Copies of these items a available to members only.
- Membership fees include the magazine "Pursuit", which is published
- regularly.
- 11.53: System Ready
- -------------------
- 7154 North University Drive Suite 116
- Tarnarac, Florida 33321
- Concentrates on building devices which can be used to detect UFOs. Their
- book, "Detecting UFOs" details these devices.
- 11.54: Transcendental Communications A Division of LAMAT Research
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- 444 North Amelia #9C
- San Dimas, California 91773
- Don Grantharn (Director & Systems Operator)
- 714-599-6769 : 714-599-6270 (Operates at 300/1200/2400 BPS) : 714-599-5045
- Transcendental Communications Newsletter
- A scientific, investigative organization interested in UFOs and related
- phenomena. Transcendental Communications is the largest UFO-related
- computer network bulletin board system (BBS) on the west coast. The aim of
- Transcendental Comrnunications is to get the word out to those interested
- in current UFO information; a clearinghouse for books, documents,
- publications, audio ar video tape interviews, seminars, documentaries and
- UFO films and footage.
- The main focus of Transcendental Communications is the operation of a BBS
- through which interested parties can participate in on-line conversation.
- read various reports, news items or articles, or leave messages for other
- members.
- Transcendental Communications publishes the "Transcendental Communications
- Newsletter" which outlines topics that have been discussed on the BBS and
- provides current UFO-related articles. FAX number available so that
- interested parties can send them copies of reports, inforrnation, etc.
- Basic Member Dues $13.50
- System Member $39.50
- Full Member $49.50
- Newsletter for one year; list of publications, audio and video tapes; six
- months BBS access
- 11.55: UFO Contact Center International (UFOCCI)
- ------------------------------------------------
- 3001 South 288th Street #304
- Federal Way, Washington 98003
- Aileen Bringle (Director)
- 206-946-2248
- The Missing Link
- June 1981
- A non-profit organization dedicated to helping people who have had
- traumatic, bizarre experiences or sightings of UFOs. A secondary goal of
- UFOCCI is to promote public awareness of the UFO contactee phenomenon.
- UFOCCI works with each contactee to help them understand their experiences
- via hypnosis, group meetings and open seminars. Each year, over the Labor
- Day weekend, UFOCCI conducts a conference called "Jorpah" (which means
- 'Cosmic Gathering') in which the past year's activities are summed up and
- discussed. These gatherings are held at different places throughout the
- country. The date and time of these conferences are announced in The
- "Missing Link" newsletter.
- UFOCCI holds monthly meetings the fourth Saturday of each month.
- Associate Directors (by State and Canada):
- Ak Thomas Wilson 845 West 70th Anchorage, Alaska 99518 ph:907-522-3 172
- Az Helene CharboMeau P.O. Box 1369 Safford, AZ 85548-1369 ph:602-428-6437
- Ray Jordan 3831 North Paradise Road Flagstaff, AZ 86004 ph:602-774-6334
- Tom Dongo Box 2571 Sedona, AZ 86336 ph:602-282-562 1
- Ca Mark Andrews 811 Victoria Costa Mesa, CA 92627 ph:714-645-7046
- Michael & DoMa Farrner 123 Henshaw #402 Chico, CA 95926 ph:916-894-3327
- Ron Rodriquez 3948 Berrywood Santa Maria, CA 93455 ph:805-937-8050
- Allen Drake 13222 Louvre Street Pacoima, CA 91331 ph:818-896-3572
- Robert Shiepe 2865 Corning Street Los Angeles, CA 90034 ph:213-836-8362
- Co Jackie Blue P.O. Box 1015 Paonia, CO 81428 ph:303-527-4412
- AM Ulrich P.O. Box 117 Paonia, CO 81428 ph:303-527-3257
- De Cary Dickey P.O. Box 5535 Wilmington, Delaware 19808 ph:302-994-7509
- Il Carolyn Baum-Hawtree 1732 New Lenox Road Joliet, llinois 60433
- ph:815-726-1756
- Io Jason Hooten 525 Avenue D Fort Madison, Iowa 52627 ph:319-372-5558
- Ma Robert Poutenis Route 9 Box 586 Pownal, Maine 04069
- Md Patrick O'Connell 12628 Black Saddle Lane Germantown, Maryland 20874
- ph:301-972-1980
- Mo Barbara Becker 6219 Enright Avenue St. Louis, Missouri 63130
- Claudia Sanderson-Jones 606 N.E. 114th Street Kansas City, Missouri 64155
- ph:816-734-9000
- Ne Kristy Buckles 3701 NW Conifer Court Lincoln 68521 ph:402-489-3 162
- Nv Valdemar Valerian P.O. Box 81407 Las Vegas, NV 89180-1407
- ph:702-878-4380
- Nj Linda Dudar 20 Jackson Avenue Washington 07882 ph:201-689-7144
- Maryellen Kelly P.O. Box 1874 Champaign 61820 ph:217-359-9343
- Katie Sandberg Route 4 Box 1065-42 West Plains 65775 ph:417-256-0945
- Nm Mary Ellen Masters 504 Kiva Avenue Aztec 87410 ph:505-334-9841
- Cliff Stone 1421 East Tilden Roswell 88201 505-625-0920
- Pennsylvania:
- Terri Shupenko 731 East 10th Street Erie 16503
- Dennis Viglo 326 College Street Youngsville 16371 814-563-4322
- Tennessee:
- Herrnan L. Langley P.O. Box 422 Smyrna 37167 615-459-0165
- Brent Raynes 326 Haggard Street Waynesboro 38485 615-722-5976
- Tx Anne Bower 815 Peach Spring Houston 77088 713-931-0930
- Harv Howard P.O. Box 904 Manchaca 78652 5 12-282-203 1
- Judy Stryker 3409 Ruth Road Fort Worth 76118
- Sunshine Williams P.O. Box 162485 Austin 78716
- Donna Brown P.O. Box 337 Vidor 77670-0337 409-769-5828
- Goldie King P.O. Box 4455 Pasadena 77501 713-475-2785
- Donna Tietze P.O. Box 260 Friendswood 77546-0260 713-482-8641
- Ut Kaye Studstrup 2114 East 6805 South Salt Lake City 84121
- Wa Lozanna Elwood 3001 South 288th #304 Federal Way, 98003 ph:206-946-2248
- Jarnes C. Van Avery 6226 110th Avenue N.E. Kirkland 98033
- ph:206-889-2026
- Wisconsin:
- Linda Houston N7576 Timber Drive, Rib Lake 54470 ph:801 -263-2551
- Dr. Robert & Felicia Moore P.O. Box 825 Marshfield 54449 715-387-4639
- Wy Sheri Gould 705 South Burritt, Buffalo 82834 307-684-2755
- Canada:
- Shirle Klein Carsh 6973 -129th Street Surrey, B.C. V3W 9A9 604-597-5822
- ?? Bill Hamilton III 249 North Brand Blvd Suite 651 Glendale 91203
- Ph:818-547-6935
- Heidi Duval & Henrietta Raines P.O. Box 12 Crested Butte 81224
- 11.56: UFO Fllter Center
- ------------------------
- 618 Davis Drive
- Mount Vernon, Indiana 47620
- Neil Gilchrist P.O. Box 764 Nelson, B.C. VlL 5R4 604-825-9292
- Francis L. Ridge (Director) :
- 812-838-3120 / 812-838-9843
- Publication is: UFO Intelligence Summary and was founded in 1971
- A one-man effort which investigates UFO activity, mainly in the Indiana
- area. The goals of this group are to conduct a systematic computer study of
- UFO data from a six-state region: Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Ohio,
- Kentucky, and Tennessee; this study covers sightings beginning before 1947
- to the present.
- 11.57: UFO Information Retrieval Center (UFOIRC)
- ------------------------------------------------
- 3131 West Cochise Drive #158
- Phoenix, Arizona 85051-9501
- Thomas M. Olsen (President)
- 602-997-1523 : 602-870-3178
- Publication is: Reference for Outstanding UFO Sighting Reports
- Founded in: 1966
- A non-membership organization which collects, analyzes, publishes and
- disseminates information about UFOs. UFOIRC also compiles statistics,
- conducts research programs, sponsors photo exhibits, maintains a 200-volume
- Library, and provides special educational services geared to children and
- students.
- UFOIRC publishes books, symposium proceedings, reprints of magazine
- articles, and a bibliography of currently available information on the UFO
- phenomenon.
- 11.58: UFO Investigators League
- --------------------------------
- Box 753 New Brunswick,
- New Jersey 08903
- Timothy Green Beckley
- Publishes: UFO Spotters Newsletter
- Started in 1990
- A new organization under the auspices of Timothy Green Beckley who is
- striving to expand his international network of investigators who wish to
- investigate UFO cases in their areas.
- Members receive membership card. investigators certificate, field manual,
- and a subscription to the "UFO Spotters Newsletter". Membership is $20.00
- per year.
- ---------------------------------------------
- Internet Contact: elite@igc.apc.org (Elite Enterprises)
- Modem: 312/604-8161 (24 HOURS)
- ----------------------------------------------
- Information Director : Dale Goudie. Contact address : P.O. Box 832, Mercer
- Island, WA, 98040, USA. see also Computer UFO Network. Phone (voice)
- +1 206 721 5035
- 11.61: UFO Study Group of Greater St. Louis
- ------------------------------------
- P.O. Box 31544 St. Louis, Missouri 63131
- John Schroeder (President)
- Helen Hanke (Secretary)
- 314-352-3058
- Publishes the The UFO Enigma.
- A non-profit organization formed in 1968 to investigate UFOs and to collect
- and disseminate information germane to the UFO phenomena. They hold
- meetings at the Farm and Home building, 110 West Lockwood (at Gore),
- Webster Groves, Missouri at 2:00 p.m. on the second Sunday of the months
- September through May.
- This group operates in close cooperation with MUFON, CUFOS, and with
- numerous organizations around the world in order to coordinate UFO research
- and information.
- 11.62: Ufology Research of Manitoba (UFOROM)
- --------------------------------------------
- UFOROM is a private, non-profit and volunteer organisation which is
- involved in rational discourse, investigation and research on UFOs and
- related phenomena. It was formed in 1975. All types of UFO-related
- phenomena have been studied by UFOROM, including traces, crash-retrievals,
- abductions and cattle mutilations. In addition, some UFOROM associates
- also study fortean and psychic phenomena. UFOROM publishes an annual
- survey of UFO activity in Canada, comparable to the Ferrughelli reports
- on American cases. Case data is provided by co-operative Canadian
- researchers across Canada.
- UFOROM is not open to general public membership. However, independent
- investigators and researchers throughout North America and particularly
- in Canada are associated with UFOROM by way of their contributions of
- case information and data from their own areas. Such contributions are
- welcomed and readily acknowledged by UFOROM.
- Although UFOROM does not publish a journal or newsletter for general
- distribution, associates frequently exchange information on an informal
- basis. This information is made available through articles and reports
- published in UFO magazines or books, written or edited by UFOROM
- associates.
- UFOROM is associated with an irregular ufozine titled the SWAMP GAS
- JOURNAL. [See UFO Publications section] It is available in hard copy
- through zine exchange or for a "cost" of one International Postal Reply
- Coupon per issue. As an experiment, the most recent issue also has
- been made available in electronic format via INTERNET by posting a
- request to: rutkows@ccu.umanitoba.ca
- UFOROM associates are involved with the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO
- Studies (CUFOS), the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and various other
- organisations. UFOROM functions independently, but operates with an
- understanding of complete co-operation and information exchange with
- interested and serious researchers in their specialised areas of
- interest.
- UFOROM is devoted to the rational and objective study of UFOs and
- related phenomena, as well as other controversial phenomena such as
- crop circles. All views on these phenomena, including both proponent
- and contrary standpoints, are considered. In this regard, UFOROM
- associates tend to engage in dialogue with both "believers" and
- "debunkers". It is hoped that such attempts to "bridge the gap"
- between the two sides of the debate will encourage more constructive
- discourse.
- Correspondence for UFOROM can be snailmailed to:
- Box 1918
- Winnipeg, Manitoba
- Canada R3C 3R2
- 11.63: United Aerial Phenomena Agency (UAPA)
- -------------------------------------
- P.O. Box 347032
- Cleveland, Ohio 44134-7032
- Allan J. Manak (Chairman)
- Rick R. Hilberg (Vice Chairman)
- Founded 1966
- A non-profit organization dedicated to the investigation and study of UFOs
- and related subjects. Its two publications are "Flying Saucer Digest"
- (quarterly) and "Weirdology" (bi- monthly). UAPA sells a wide variety of
- books, maps, back issues, rare items, etc. A catalog is available for
- $1.00.
- 11.64: Universal Articulate Interdimensional Understanding of Science
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- UNARIUS Academy of Sciences
- 145 South Magnolia Avenue
- El Cajon, California 92020-4522
- Dr. Ernest L. Norman (Co Founder)
- Ruth E. Norman (Co Founder)
- Charles Spaegel (Vice President)
- 619-447-4170
- Publishes the UNARIUS Light Magazine since1954.
- A non-profit, New Age organization which has pioneered the teaching of Past
- Life Therapy since 1954. This teaching is given to the student through a
- curriculum that attunes the truth seeker to the high frequency energy
- maintained by the authors, who are Advanced Spiritual Beings living on the
- Inner Planes. UNARIUS receives most of its information and instructions
- through channeling with the Higher Beings (Space Brothers). UNARIUS writes,
- publishes, and distributes a complete course of study describing the New
- Sciences of Life. This course material is covered over 100-plus texts of
- the UNARIUS Academy of Sciences; augmented by over 100 video programs. The
- course material covers missing piece's of man's prehistory, the enigma
- surrounding the dilemma of unresolved problems in science, politics and
- religion, and the future for mankind in the 21st century.
- Class sessions are held at the UNARIUS Center on Wednesdays & Sundays at
- 7:00 p.m.; class fee is S10.00. Some courses are also available on TV
- stations throughout California. All of the materials are directly related
- to the UNARIUS goal of achieving Higher Awareness.
- One of this group's main tenets is that there are superior extraterrestrial
- forces which control the Earth's destiny and which know the fate of
- mankind. With the teachings provided by UNARIUS, they feel that each person
- can become cosmically attuned to higher spiritual forces and can become
- aware of Reality and what is in store for humans. UNARIUS teaches that the
- Interplanetary Confederation, a coalition of 33 existing planets, is
- building 33 spacecraft that will form a giant city and will descend to
- Earth in the year 2001. This "building" or "city" will descend on land
- purchased for this purpose in the southern California area and will be a
- gathering spot for people to come and learn about Cosmic Awareness.
- In addition to students, interested parties can join UNARIUS for $50.00 per
- year.
- 11.65: Victorian U.F.O. Research Society Inc. (VUFORS)
- -------------------------------------------------------
- AVUFORS is the largest UFO society in the Southern hemishpere and has
- been in existence since the 1950s. (membership approx. 400)
- Regular discussion nights are held and the Society publishes a
- quarterly magazine called The Australian U.F.O. Bulletin which
- details UFO related information from Australia and abroad.
- Membership:
- Overseas (non Australian) $US20
- (Personal cheques cannot be accepted unless an additional
- $US5 is included to cover bank charges - We request you remit
- bank cheques or International Postal Orders)
- Membership entitles you to receive a copy of "The Australian
- UFO Bulletin", our quarterly magazine to members. The
- bulletin contains information from within Australia and
- overseas.
- Total number of members is currently around 400.
- History:
- The "Australian Flying Saucer Research Society (Victorian
- Branch)" was formed on the 17th of February, 1957 as a branch of the
- "Australian Flying Saucer Research Society" and later that year was
- reorganised as the "Victorian Flying Saucer Research Society" with
- Mr. Peter E. Norris L.L.B. as President. In 1968 the name was again
- altered - this time to the "Victorian U.F.O. Research Society".
- The current executive has been in place since 1978.
- The Society has held a dispassionate attitude on U.F.O.s, claiming
- it is a scientific problem deserving closer attention.
- Membership of this Society - which maintains the largest membership
- of any U.F.O. organisation in the Southern Hemisphere - is open to
- all who are genuinely interested in the subject.
- Significant cases studied:
- - The Frederick Valentich disappearance (1978). Frederick
- Valentich was a twenty year old member of the Royal Australian Air
- Force who disappeared on a solo private flight across Bass Strait
- after radioing that an object was hovering on top of his Cessna 182.
- - The Knowles Family Encounter. The case of a family on a
- car trip across the Nullarbor Plain in South Australia who were
- buzzed by a UFO that at one stage lifted the Knowles car into the
- air only to drop it to the road seconds later.
- Postal Address: Internet contact:
- P.O. Box 43 email: TCook@cmutual.com.au
- Moorabbin phone: +61-3-6076849
- Victoria, AUSTRALIA 3189 fax : +61-3-6076198
- === Disclaimer
- --------------
- Disclaimer: Please Note that I don't claim that any of this research strictly
- as my own. It comes from many books, articles, electronic postings and
- people. As the FAQ (and the MINI-FAQ as it is extracted from the FAQ) is a
- combination of the efforts of many people, any opinions expressed should not
- be held to be those of any particular contributor or the editor unless
- otherwise stated. The opinions expressed here should not be held to represent
- those of the employers or sponsoring body of any of the contributors.
- === FAQ Requests
- ------------
- The FAQ is available by ftp and World Wide Web. Please see the introduction
- for details on how to obtain the FAQ by anonymous ftp or WWW. Requests posted
- in alt.alien.visitors or directly emailed to the editor will be responded to
- IF POSSIBLE within the limited resources available.
- === FAQ Updates, Suggestions & Corrections
- --------------------------------------
- If you have any suggestions or would like to add something to the FAQ,
- IN. I already have the latest version. So please just selectively edit the
- approprate portions of the FAQ into your message, and include the section
- numbers. Also please send me any corrections you may have for the FAQ. If
- you or your organization is mentioned in the above FAQ and you feel I have
- misrepresented you please let me know so I can correct the problem.
- Send all corrections & suggestions to:
- s.gamble@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk
- or Stephen Gamble at Pandora's Box (+44 1 707 664778)
- Stephen Gamble at Stairway to Heaven (+44 1 81 769 1740)
- Stephen Gamble at Starbase 4 (+44 1 691 671900)
- or via the Wildnet UFO conference
- or via the UFONET